And a Happy Monday to all. Harry Reid has said all is lost, so it is time to take it down a notch, get in the wrong frame of mind for the work week, be prepared to do your least and worst, or at least your bare minimum
And the UN is back in the news
( – The majority of the world’s population has a favorable opinion of the United Nations and thinks the international body should be strengthened, according to a new survey by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs and
Calling it a "very warm rating," Steven Kull, editor of, said the results of the 18-nation survey conducted between June 2006 and March 2007 suggests that "people around the world are more open to multilateral action than their governments."
Well, isn’t that special? Apparently, 60% of US respondents are up for it, though a majority also give the UN poor ratings due to recent actions.
"While leaders of nation states may be wary of giving the United Nations more power, it is clear that publics around the world are comfortable with the idea of a stronger U.N.," Kull said at a news conference in Washington, D.C., on Friday.
It has been awhile since I took geography, but I am pretty sure that there are more then 18 countries in the world. Not one African nation was included in the survey. Considering the messes that the UN has created in African nations, it is no wonder. But, I supposed the UN is going to try and fix their reputation with this bit of stupidity
UNITED NATIONS (AP) — Zimbabwe won approval on Friday to head a key U.N. body charged with promoting economic progress and environmental protection despite protests from the U.S., European nations and human rights organizations.
The 53-member Commission on Sustainable Development voted 26-21 with three abstentions on the new chair, said Luiz Alberto Figueiredo Machado, vice chair of the commission. The chair traditionally rotates among regions of the world and it is Africa’s choice this year. The government of Zimbabwe has nominated Francis Nhema, the minister of environment and tourism, to chair the commission.
President Robert Mugabe, an 83-year-old who has ruled Zimbabwe since it gained independence from Britain in 1980, has been criticized by the West and domestic opponents for repression, corruption, acute food shortages and gross economic mismanagement that has driven inflation above 2,000 percent — the highest in the world. Mugabe has acknowledged that police used violent methods against opposition supporters.
"We really think it calls into question the credibility of this organization to have a representative from a country that has decimated its agriculture, that used to be the breadbasket of Africa and can’t now feed itself," said Dan Reifsnyder, deputy assistant secretary for environment and science at the State Department.
Well, hey, what’s the big deal? If it is OK to put Syria, China, and Cuba on the Human Rights Council, rape children, harrass UN workers, and participate in one of the biggest swindles of all time (Food for Oil), anything goes!
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Puffy marshmallow
Do not send it through the mail!
Cost you arm and leg!
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Need I say more?
What say y’all sweet friends?
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