Hmm, the first one reminds me a bit of Stacy (who found the site with these costumes), and the second one puts me in mind of Raven. The third one is because they are both mucho patriotic.
Damn, I am soooooo dead :)
Kinda goes with the whole Pirates of the Caribbean motif

If they tell me to swab their decks or walk their planks…no problem Blackbeard! These three are what America is all about and worth dying for! Burka my ass… not in America nor on our beaches! 100% Red State material.
Heh..I once had a costume just like that. And damn I did look good in it.
As for that bathing suit American style…who wears a one piece anymore? Not me.
Bikini it is….stars and stripes and all. Kind of like this one without the strings holding it together. **THUD**
I was going thru some of the photos in my external HD, cleaning it up a bit, and ran across them, said, hey, these would be perfect!
I actually met the girl in the American Flag suit, Jamie Presley, once, down in Kinston, NC
Frau Vader let’s me hang up fish net stockings on the chimney for Christmas! I used to hang thigh-highs, but I get more goodies in the fish nets. If I used Rosie O’Donnell’s size, I’d get… more stocking stuffers, eh?