In yet another example, the Huffington Post nutters show their love for our troops, plus other nuttery
- I think our Generals are Shit..just like The Commander in Chief who let bin-Laden get away and gave al-Qaeda a truce as Tora they could escape and refused to send the Troops our CIA and Special Forces begged for..
The whole thing stinks maybe bin-Laden would have told the World The Bush’s were in on 9/11 you think..?
- now the military will revert to portraying the war as a series of heart-tugging moments of herosim, sacrifice, and pathos: grieving families, women combat heroes, unsung heroes, racial harmony vignettes, and what have you.
the prayers (never forget the power of prayer to make brutal interrogations productive.) of the nation beseech that our missing troops be found. in stead of, for instance, stories about what they are doing to the native iraqis to try to find them.
the insurgents made a terrible mistake in not killing them. they gave the americans a brief moment of purpose, the likes of which are very hard to manufacture. so now the war will become like algeria was for the french: little tragedies and self-serving "human"stories strung together. long since the story has been daily life under permanent foreign occupation.
- Could be the military has known the fate these soldiers met several days ago. This massive search has had a suspicious nature to it from the beginning.
- As the Texas decider swaggered across the White House lawn, five of his Best-of-Baghdad troops were brutally raping and murdering a 14-year old girl and her family and then leaving them in a blaze of kerosene. Is this why the American commander-in-chief needed a troop surge — to free up more of our glorious invaders to satisfy sexual perversities with the youngest teenagers of Baghdad?
Those three US Troops were taken as revenge. The Iraqis will fight for a thousand years to revenge this type of crime. (but don’t say we do not support the troops!)
- I hope we find all of these soldiers alive, and soon, but in the meantime this story needs to retreat from the front page as a lead story. Remember, US news can be viewed worldwide, and the insurgents have just as much access to our public opinion as we have. Not that this isn’t an important story to tell, but the message sent is that our Military can be led in circles with false leads and false hopes. It only helps our adversaries and those who hold our men to draw this out in the press. (Liberal Commenting 101: how to say "screw the troops" while giving yourself an out)
- Don’t you know that Americans are so brilliant that they think Iraqis just brush raping and abusing and killing under the rug, because American brought them FREEDOM.
Of course, under Saddam, women had rights and owned businesses and Saddam had women in government. Saddam also protected Christians in Iraq . While Saddam was in power, there were modern discos, you could buy a beer in a nice bar.. (Saddam better then our rapist troops)
- Of the 150,000 Nazis invaders of Iraq about 2 or 3 speak Arabic. ("We support the troops")
- BushCo changes his story daily on why America has to occupy Iraq but the bottom line as everyone knows is OIL!!!
I hope all parents of troops that get killed are satisfied when they fill their big SUV’s with relatively cheap gas. After all, thats EXACTLY what their kids died for.
- I wonder how much torture was done on innocent people before someone just started naming names?
- Petraeus works for the Oil companies under the command of a treasonous Commander in cheif.
Petraeus main job is to make sure the Oil companies steal Iraq Oil.
Can’t you just feel the love? Doesn’t this just make you feel all warm and fuzzy?
Can we call them anti-military yet? How about anti-American? And insane?
Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, Is It Just Me?, The Virtuous Republic, Right Celebrity, Stageleft, stikNstein… has no mercy, Big Dog’s Weblog, The World According to Carl, Walls of the City, Blue Star Chronicles, The Pink Flamingo, Webloggin, Cao’s Blog, Colloquium, Jo’s Cafe, and High Desert Wanderer, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

In sane, I would say. I am so tired of hearing this stuff, particularly from people who I had previously thought were RATIONAL.
I don’t know why I read this stuff. It makes me so mad I could just have a screaming fit. INSANE, ANTI-AMERICAN, ANTI-MILITARY and seriously, their grammar and spelling is horrendous – did they go to school? Did they ride the short bus? I think we can add – NOT TOO BRIGHT to the list.
I really hate these people. How DARE they make such mean-spirited and seditious remarks.
Cao, Beth, this is what the Left is all about. In person, many of them get close to saying these kinds of things when they know non moonbats can hear, but, in private, and the anonimity of the internet, they tell their true feelings.