And a Happy Sunday to all! This pinup is by Gil Elvgren, with a wee bit of help. Getting ready for the release of Pirates of the Caribbean 3 on Friday!
What’s happening out there?
- Beth (Blue Star Chronicles) says to start each day off with a positive outlook, involving Nancy Pelosi!
- C.A. Marks (Alabama Improper) has an interesting post for all you writers out there
- Bullwinkle says you can start laughing at global warming today, rather then in 5 years
- The Anchoress has done her long promise theme change, and it looks fantastic!
- Cranky (Six Meat Buffet) says that sometimes rock stars do grow up
- Cassandra on the Rosie calling our troops terrorists
- Right Wing Nut House does some musing on a late spring afternoon
- “Let’s pull a Harriet Myers on the amnesty bill,” so says John Hawkins
- Michelle M revisits the Flight 93 Memorial, which might actually get built some decade
- Good LT (The Jawa Report) has moonbats at Ground Zero
- The Gun Toting Liberal says McCain looks really presidential (sic).
- Basil says “I told you so” to the Wife
- Stop The ACLU has Media Matters being sued
- Carol (The Median Sib) has cell phone etiquette
- and last, but not least, Mensa Barbie has a great post for Armed Forces Day
Final thought: has anyone ever seen those Boniva commercials with Sally Field? Have we become such a lazy society that it is actually difficult to set aside time each week to take a frickin’ pill? Takes what, 30 seconds?

Senator John McCain To Fellow Senator Who Opposes Amnesty For Illegal Aliens: “F*&^ You!”; Calls His Objections “Chicken*&(”……
Real “Presidential” conduct from Senator (and Presidential “wannabe”) John McCain, eh? It turns out, a couple of “Johns” clashed in the “Hallowed Halls of Congress” over the illegal alien problem yeste…
Last Laughs…
Dr. Sanity hosts the Carnival of the Insanities!
The Pirate’s Cove pins up his Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup!
The Conservative Cat shares some Funny Stuff!
MillionMonster sponsors the Festival of Frugality!
The Digerati Life finds a bunch of Money …
Your beautiful Sunday Pinup looks like a Tampa Bay Bucs Cheerleader! I love your taste this US Armed Forces weekend and ‘One Nation Under GOD’ and our freedom over the last 230-years isn’t free!