I upgraded to WP 2.2 the other day, mostly seems to be good.
A hint, though: it does not seem to like Slim Stats. While the actual blog worked fine, something went kablooie, moving from one back end file to another, blocking the ability to use the admin panel. Removed it, A-OK. Going to try and reinstall, see if it was an issue from the upgrade.

2.2 is solid for the most part and has the nice wordpress.com stats package bundled with it. You must enable wordpress.com stats and have a free wordpress.com account just as in akismet.
I haven’t tried slim stats. No problems with most stuff. Let me know if your blog ever sends out multiple trackbacks per post however as that has happened to me a couple of times since the upgrade!
Mine didn’t come with anything like what you describe, unfortunately, at least that I can find, Terry. Would be great.
Mostly, I used slim stat to see incoming links, which took the place of some older program that started charging.
I can use internal dreamhost stuff if necessary.
No double TB’s yet, but have seen that happen to a few others.
Thanks for the 411, Terry.
My bad, the release of the stats was concurrent with the release of 2.2.
You can grab it as a plug-in here:
It’s pretty slick although I still use statcounter for an external counter. They do different things. I like the graphs that come with the WordPress.com plugin.
The nicest thing is that Automatt designed the plug-in and we know it won’t get dropped as new versions come out.
Love the blog!
Later- Trip
Thanks, Trip. I ran across it, have it running. Only thing that is a pain is it send me to Worpress.com, but, hey, open in new window :)
Gives me some of the brief info I want, such as referrers and such.
Check out GoStats. The free version gives you a ton of stuff.
Glad to see that the upgrade went well. I’m going to have to do it this weekend. (sigh)
Hi William,
I like to check with you. I have a very similar situation as you. I run a WP blog (2.2.1) hosted on Dream Host and am also running Slim stats.
Everything seems to be running well, except keyword searches and domain referrals. Its blank. I had this same problem with Short Stats plugin, of which slim stats is based on. This means I have no idea which domains had refer visitors to my blog as well as what keywords people used in google/yahoo to get to my blog.
I was wondering if you have this same issue? I have Slim stats is working fine on a ver 2.2 WP on another or my servers else where, so by process of elimination it looks like it could be Dream host server settings.
Dream host support does not think its an issue with their servers. I was wondering if you could help me on this?
BTW I tried WordPress stats, and I did not really like it. The referal to another site meant slow loading and another step until I got my data. Also finally unlike what they claim, it does not work with multiple blogs and the same API.
Thanks in advance.