Fox News is report that the second vote on the shamnesty bill went down 50-45. This should hopefully kill it dead.
Interestingly, news services are calling this "Bush’s bill." Must make the actual architects, such as Ted Kennedy and John McCain, frigging ecstatic to be ignored. But, hey, anything to slam the President.
Though, he does deserve it.
Michelle M has much more.
Morning update: Dingy Harry is, like the good little Demorat he is, blaming Bush
But Reid was also quick to place responsibility for the defeat on Bush, who had made passage of the measure a top legislative goal. "The headlines are going to be, ‘The president fails again’," Reid said. "It’s his bill."
It matters little that the President isn’t sitting on the Senate floor, offering amendments, taking votes, discussing the bill; Reid blames him. So typical.
And if that doesn’t convince you of his partisan nature, check out this press release, where he blames only Republicans for the collapse.
John Hawkins is reporting that Senator Jim DeMint was a primary force behind killing it.

Victory! Senate Immigration ‘Grand Bargain’ Withdrawn After 45-50 Cloture Defeat (S.1348)…
The “Grand Bargain” Senate Immigration Bill (S.1348) was dealt a devastating blow and withdrawn by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid after a cloture vote on it was defeated by a vote of 45-50. The bill would have needed 60 votes……
Shamnesty bill fails…
But look at what the AP chose to call this:…