But no one seems to be buying it (thank God!)
WASHINGTON (CNN) — President Bush broke bread with resistant Senate Republicans on Tuesday, but the fate of a White House-supported immigration bill remained uncertain.
After emerging from the private luncheon, Bush provided no specifics on whether any minds were changed.
"Some members in there believe we need to move a comprehensive bill, some don’t," Bush told reporters in a Capitol hallway. "I understand that. It’s a highly emotional issue.
"But those of us standing here believe now is the time to move to a comprehensive bill that enforces our borders and has good workplace enforcement, that doesn’t grant automatic citizenship, that addresses this problem in a comprehensive way."
"I believe without the bill, it’ll be harder to enforce our borders," Bush said.
Or, we could just enforce existing legislation, as well as simply strengthen it. For instance, make it so painful, financially and criminally, for companies to hire illegals, and that will eliminate a good chunk of the reason illegals come here. Same with those who shelter illegals. Stop all social services for illegals. No health care, no schooling, no everthing. Hire more border agents, and show them you are on their side, Mr. President!
I hate the idea of a wall, but it has to be done. More patrols in the desert and on the Rio Grande. Stop those who are not workers, but violent criminals. And make it painful for those who overstay their visas, and those who hire them.
Then we can move on to true overhaul.
"It’s not a question of Democrats doing anything. It’s a question of Republicans supporting their own president" said Harry Reid.
But we have never supported his illegal immigration policies, Harry. It is one of our three main differences and issues with W. Always has, and always will be.
The CNN link has an interesting video, but I cannot seem to get any audio on this laptop I am using. Works from other sites. Too bad, as the one featuring Jim DeMint would be perfect. Oh, well.
Bullwinkle has the same thoughts.
Michelle M. tells us what is going on behind closed doors.
Captain Ed gives a post mortem on the shamnesty bill
Ragnar at The Jawa Report points to a letter from Senator Jim DeMint, via Hot Air
Dear Mr. President:
We respectfully ask that your Administration enforce the border security laws that have already been authorized by Congress regardless of whether the Senate passes the immigration reform bill. The bill assumes that several critical border security benchmarks can be achieved within 18 months. These security triggers are already authorized under current law and can be completed without the immigration bill. We believe these enforcement measures are vital and should not wait until Congress passes additional immigration reforms.
Securing the border is the best way to restore trust with the American people and facilitate future improvements of our immigration policy.
U.S. Senators Jim DeMint (R – South Carolina), Tom Coburn (R – Oklahoma), Mike Enzi (R – Wyoming), David Vitter (R – Louisiana), Jim Inhofe (R – Oklahoma), Jim Bunning (R – Kentucky), Charles Grassley (R – Iowa), John Ensign (R – Nevada) and Jeff Sessions (R – Alabama).
Express your appreciation to Senator DeMint, and read the rest. It is an eye opener. Hopefully for W, too. I only wish that Senators Dole and Burr had signed on.