Monthly Archives: June 2007

Culturat Of Corruption: Earmark It, Baby!

Wasn’ this going to be the "most ethical congress ever," per Nance Pelosi? How does this fit in? WASHINGTON – Partisan sniping over Congress’ targeted spending escalated Monday as a House committee chairman threatened to kill all pet projects if Republican leaders "demagogue" the issue. The chairman, Wisconsin Democrat David Obey (news, bio, voting record), […]

Global Warming Life Is Good!

Do not tell Greenland residents about the trouble with natural global warming QAQORTOQ, Greenland – The biggest island in the world is a wind-raked place, gripped by ice over four-fifths of its land, prowled by polar bears, its coastlines choked by drifting icebergs and sea ice. Many of its 56,000 people, who live on the […]

Demotivation Monday: Bring On The Surrender Bills

And a Happy Monday to all. Harry Reid has said all is lost, so it is time to take it down a notch, get in the wrong frame of mind for the work week, be prepared to do your least and worst, or at least your bare minimum Man, I never saw this coming. I […]

Edwards Has No Shame

Well, what else do you expect from a man who sued doctors while performing a psychic act, gets $400 haircuts and blames others, and uses the recurrence of his wife’s cancer to raise money? CHAPEL HILL, N.C. — Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards used his Sunday birthday fundraiser – an event light on cash but […]

Benny Hill Un-PC’d!

W Radio’s It In

Low points of the presidents radio address Back at home, America is engaged in an important discussion about immigration. Most Americans agree that the 1986 immigration law failed. It failed because it did not secure our border, it did not include tough worksite enforcement, it did not help people assimilate, and it encouraged more people […]

Is The Grey Lady Getting Islamic Jihad?

Or were the editors drunker then Ted Kennedy on a day ending with a "Y", and miss this in the publishing que? (New York Times) We were in a small house in Zarqa, Jordan, trying to interview two heavily bearded Islamic militants about their distribution of recruitment videos when one of us asked one too […]

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday to all! It’s another beautiful global warming day. Spend some time at the pool catching some rays, go play some golf, just get outside in the warmth that Mother Nature has provided. This pinup is by Edward D’Ancona, with a wee bit of help. Don’t forget that this week is Flag week, ending […]

Dean Proves Care More About Power Then USA

Shocking. I’m not sure where this came from WASHINGTON (AP) — The high hurdles faced by congressional Democrats in their efforts to end the Iraq war make electing a Democratic president in 2008 the best way to finish the conflict, Democratic Party chairman Howard Dean said Saturday. He noted his party has made little progress […]

Golf Fight, Now With Bubblegum!

Ya know, I read a letter to the editor in the Raleigh N&O a bit earlier, typical left wing smears and name calling, regarding the Senate Shamnesty bill. But, it just isn’t worth it to comment. Sure, that is one of the reasons I started blogging, however, just too nice of a day to get […]

Pirate's Cove