June 7, 2007 – 8:23 am
Washington Times The Senate voted yesterday to grant amnesty to hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens who have already been caught and ordered deported but are defying a court order, preserving their path to citizenship as part of the immigration bill. Yesterday’s major fight was over part of the bill that wipes out the immigration […]
June 6, 2007 – 7:54 pm
Shamefull WASHINGTON, June 5 — A day after two military judges ruled against the Bush administration’s system for trying terrorism detainees, Democrats seized on the rulings on Tuesday as evidence that Congress should restore the right of those held at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, to challenge their detentions. Senator Harry Reid, the Nevada Democrat who is […]
June 6, 2007 – 2:43 pm
Well, this sucks (and for a change, I’m not slamming the HuffPost. Can’t find the story anywhere else) LONDON — British air force officials ordered the images of a pair of models removed from the nose cones of two fighter jets because they were deemed offensive, a spokesman said Tuesday. The two Harrier Jets, which […]
June 6, 2007 – 11:49 am
But every scientist believes in man made global warming, right? (Financial Post) "Only an insignificant fraction of scientists deny the global warming crisis. The time for debate is over. The science is settled." So said Al Gore … in 1992. Amazingly, he made his claims despite much evidence of their falsity. A Gallup poll at […]
June 6, 2007 – 8:26 am
Morning, y’all, Jebediah Murphy here on another beautiful White Trash Wednesday in the best country ever. And, I have to ask, where’s the fence? (CNSNews.com) – A conservative grassroots group opposed to current immigration reform efforts in the Senate is to begin a national television ad campaign Wednesday calling attention to the 700-mile border […]
June 5, 2007 – 6:10 pm
Imagine my shock and dismay when I read this (06/05/07 — RALEIGH) – Eyewitness News has learned the man charged with drunken driving in crash that killed a man Monday morning is in the United States illegally. Sources with Immigrations and Customs Enforcement in Wake County tell Eyewitness News this afternoon that Michael Caldera De Latorre, 24, […]
June 5, 2007 – 3:00 pm
Apparently, Hils has been reading the talking points memo regarding Democrats mentioning God WASHINGTON – In a rare public discussion of her husband’s infidelity, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton said Monday that she probably could not have gotten through her marital troubles without relying on her faith in God. Clinton stood by her actions […]
June 5, 2007 – 12:01 pm
Well, now, via Ogre, I found this ugly tidbit (Fox News) An ordinance restricting the number of flags allowed up for display has some North Carolina business owners seeing a lot of red, and not as much white and blue. The city of Raleigh has limited the number of American flags — and any other […]
June 5, 2007 – 7:18 am
Those on the left talk about people that have "absolute moral authority." Now, that is not supposed to be a big dig at our partisan friends on the left, but simply to show that maybe sometimes that is true. I don’t know about absolute, but I would think that Border Agents would have very high […]
June 4, 2007 – 6:40 pm
For those that haven’t heard, Eric Alterman was arrested yesterday during the Surrender Monkey debates (h/t Hot Air). Well, Eric is over at the HuffPost explaining what happened, and, to me, sure looks like he is doing it in an adult, reasonable manner so as to not feed the trolls and have IMPORTANT ACTION ALERTS go out. […]