And a Happy Monday to all. Harry Reid has said all is lost, so it is time to take it down a notch, get in the wrong frame of mind for the work week, be prepared to do your least and worst, or at least your bare minimum.
From what I hear, the writing on the Statue Of Liberty has been changed during the recent renovations
(Washington Times) As many U.S. cities and states arrest illegal aliens in raids and toughen laws against them, a Connecticut city is offering to validate them under a new, first-in-the-nation ID-card program.
Starting tomorrow, New Haven will offer illegal aliens municipal identification cards that allow access to city services such as libraries and a chance to open bank accounts.
Supporters say the cards will improve public safety and give illegal aliens protections now afforded legal residents. Critics contend that it will unleash a flood of illegal immigration, straining services and wasting taxpayer money.
New Haven officials overwhelmingly approved the program last month in a 25 to 1 vote.
Doesn’t that make you proud? City councils clearly violating federal law and providing not only sanctuary (I always think Logans Run when I hear that word), but services for which illegals are not legally entitled to, and do not pay for. Will New Haven even attempt to see if any of the illegals are criminals, such as rapists, murderers, gang members, such as MS-13, and/or people with violent pasts? Doubtful.
Kica Matos, a leader of local Hispanic advocacy group Junta for Progressive Action, said undocumented workers are often targeted by thieves and robbed because they carry cash, a result of not being able to open a bank account.
Here’s a perfect idea to avoid that: the workers go back to their home countries, and attempt to come to the USA legally, so that the workers will be afforded the legal protections of our laws, such as opening a bank account. And do not overstay your visa. But, hell, if New Haven wants to do that, then all illegals in the country should move to New Haven, as NC based Americans For Legal Immigration suggests. Overwhelm their support systems, their living space, their medical system, their police force. Make sure you say hello to the city council in person.
Is your city a sanctuary city? Check the list. I was surprised that Raleigh, the state capital, the supposed place where laws are passed, is a sanctuary city. Write your local paper, write your elected officials, attend a city council meeting. Tell them this is wrong.
Send a trackback to this post, but don’t forget to link it. I almost put a sombrero on Lady Liberty, however, illegals come from all over the world.

[…] world county, Right Celebrity, Woman Honor Thyself, Stageleft, stikNstein… has no mercy, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, CommonSenseAmerica, Dumb Ox Daily News, Right Voices, Church and State, Blog @ […]
Hey, I was just passing by New Haven. I think next time I’m nearby, I will apply for a new id. I think I shall be Manual Noriega. I wonder how much free crap I can get.
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Probably get a lot, all at tax payer expense.
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Naw. Get outta town.
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[…] those illegals are, well, illegal? Like, shouldn’t be here? Would Munley void the law in in New Haven, Ct, that gives them ID cards, access to bank accounts, and library cards? Some, I doubt […]
[…] third world county, Right Celebrity, Woman Honor Thyself, Stageleft, stikNstein… has no mercy, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, CommonSenseAmerica, Dumb Ox Daily News, Right Voices, Church and State, Blog @ […]