July 26, 2007 – 11:41 pm
Hey, hey, look what we got. Another fantastic blogger to add to the American Flag League. Give it up for 2 Valuable Welcome aboard, Matey!
July 26, 2007 – 9:37 pm
A little too little, a little to late. Nifong made this statement today "I sincerely apologize to Mr. (Reade) Seligmann, Mr. (Collin) Finnerty, Mr. (David) Evans and to their families," Nifong said. "It is my hope that all of us can learn from the mistakes of this case, and that all of us can begin […]
July 26, 2007 – 4:26 pm
Amazing what freedom, and the hope of freedom, can do (Washington Post) Muslims around the world increasingly reject suicide bombings and other violence against civilians by those purporting to defend Islam, according to an international poll released yesterday. A wide-ranging survey of international attitudes in 47 countries by the Pew Research Center also reported that […]
July 26, 2007 – 12:05 pm
Do you want some meat first, or the massive good news first? Aw, hell, let’s go with the massive good news. In case you weren’t aware, Tom Tancredo said he was going to introduce an amendment that would prohibit the use of funds to enforce the judgement of the U.S. District Court for the Western […]
July 26, 2007 – 7:52 am
That is the conspiracy going around at the DU and some other progressive (read 5 short of a six pack) sites. You just KNOW that this caused another liberal hissy fit, don’t you? PALMDALE, Calif., July 19, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) — The U.S. Air Force’s B-2 stealth bomber would be able to attack and destroy […]