That is the conspiracy going around at the DU and some other progressive (read 5 short of a six pack) sites. You just KNOW that this caused another liberal hissy fit, don’t you?
PALMDALE, Calif., July 19, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) — The U.S. Air Force’s B-2 stealth bomber would be able to attack and destroy an expanded set of hardened, deeply buried military targets using a new 30,000 pound-class penetrator weapon that Northrop Grumman (NYSE:NOC) has begun integrating on the aircraft.
The new Massive Ordnance Penetrator (MOP), which is being developed by The Boeing Company, is a GPS-guided weapon containing more than 5,300 pounds of conventional explosives inside a 20.5-foot long enclosure of hardened steel. It is designed to penetrate dirt, rock and reinforced concrete to reach enemy bunker or tunnel installations. The B-2 is capable of carrying two MOPs, one in each weapons bay.
"This integration contract is part of Northrop Grumman’s on-going effort to ensure that the B-2 remains capable of delivering a decisive blow to an increasingly sophisticated enemy," said Dave Mazur, vice president of long-range strike for the company’s Integrated Systems sector. "It is the first step in helping the Air Force make this new weapon available for operational use on the B-2."
Seems like a pretty good idea to me. If the need arises, the USAF will be able to deliver a devastating non-nuclear attack to sites such as the nuclear reactors, some of which are buried underground, in Iran, or against harded or buried command posts for al Qaeda and Osama in the mountain regions of Afghanistan and Pakistan.
The military plans. They try to be proactive, not completely reactive. It is better to be ahead of the curve, then catching up, eh? But, in Liberal World, any upgrade of offensive strike power is immediately deemed Bush war mongering.
But, it does get more interesting
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Al Qaeda’s safe haven in northwestern Pakistan is largely inaccessible to outside forces and unlikely to be eliminated soon by the U.S. or Pakistani military, top intelligence officials said on Wednesday.
Sounds like a pretty good place to see 5,300 pounds of explosives delivered in a penetration bomb dropped from a stealthy platform many, many times, eh?
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Sole purpose…
Some news from Pensacola. 292 phone calls to 911 to ask women about their feet. Why didn’t Mr Ford just hang out around podiatrist offices?…
The Lone Protester…
The following is cross posted from Jake over at Freedom Folks:
We need a lot more of this! Where is the outrage? Where is the anger over American citizens seeing their professions destroyed locust like by illegal immigration? This is Terry’…
[…] Leaning Straight Up, The Pet Haven, Conservative Cat, Conservative Thoughts, third world county, Pirate’s Cove, Planck’s Constant, The Pink Flamingo, Dumb Ox Daily News, Right Voices, and Public Eye, […]
South Korean Hostages Held by Taliban Orts -…
Of the 22 remaining South Korean hostages taken by the Taliban in Afghanistan…
Breasts Not Bombs… Big Time Breasts… Bomb……
At the launch of the Hillary Clinton Headquarters in San Francisco a group of Moonbats backed by Code Pink crashed the ceremony and bared their breasts to protest the war in Iraq. These women are on a fruitless juggernaut.
It would have been apropo…
U.S.empowers Iran…
It’s America’s fault that Iran is so emboldened, especially when it comes to Iran’s nuclear program, the American hostages and Iran’s involvement in Iraq. They do what they want, because we have given them the power to do so by…
[…] Haven, Conservative Cat, Conservative Thoughts, third world county, Nuke’s news and views, Pirate’s Cove, Planck’s Constant, The Pink Flamingo, Dumb Ox Daily News, Right Voices, Linkfest Haven […]
A video of Rep. Don Young and his meltdown on the floor of the House as well as updates on fighting pork from around the web….
More pay to play…
The allegations against West Palm Beach officials still remain. Now accusations are being made against a Boynton Beach official….
A plane is a plane…
Even if I could afford it, I wouldn’t pay extra to be part of airplane history. The A-380 has been much hyped, but at the same time had production problems. In the end airline customers and airlines themselves will give the plane a thumbs up or thumb….
1,776 Earmark Requests for Defense Appropriations…
The House of Representatives and its list of earmarks are in.. reaching a grand total of 1,776.
Porkbusters has the list of earmarks by Representative and who has the most requests…
The short list of the porkiest (is that a word) representatives…
Yet Another, If We Leave Now and Still Worth Readi…
I often get tired of the oft repeated stories, columns or opinion pieces regarding what Iraq would be were we to pack up and leave. ……
Don’t Judge a Book by it’s Cover…
My Beloved Curmudgeon and I have moved a lot during our marriage. WeÂ’ve bought and sold several houses along the way. In all that moving we have found a few things have been very consistent for us. Those things have been so consistent that by the tim….
Illegal Immigration – States Step Up To The Plate…
[BREAKING NEWS: JUDGE STRIKES DOWN HAZLETON ORDINANCE]Thursday, 26 July 2007By WADE MALCOLMStaff WriterA federal judge has struck down the Illegal Immigration Relief Act, ruling Hazleton’s proposed cr……
[…] Website, The Random Yak, DeMediacratic Nation, Big Dog’s Weblog, Nuke’s news and views, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Stuck On Stupid, Webloggin, Leaning Straight Up, Azamatteroprinciple – A new […]
NYT Loves Illegal Aliens…
NYT headline: Judge Voids Tough Anti-Immigration Law
My headline: Liberal Judge dis-allows illegal aliens law…
Do you get the feeling that it is the Senate which is becoming imperialistic?…
Asked Connie over at Hot Air. It seems that Specter is angry with U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel A. Alito. Why you ask?From the mind that brought us “super-duper precedentsâ€:
Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.) plans to …
In Islam, women are equal to men in all senses…
if Muslim women looooooove being covered up, then why do you need to beat them, whip them, stone them, arrest them and kill them if they don’t want to wear them? …
[…] Diary of the Mad Pigeon, The Random Yak, DeMediacratic Nation, Jeanette’s Celebrity Corner, Pirate’s Cove, Stuck On Stupid, Webloggin, Leaning Straight Up, The Pet Haven, Azamatteroprinciple – A new blog […]
CAIR Attacks John Doe…
CAIR plans to continuing it’s attempt to protect terrorists and potential terrorists by suing John Doe’s. Hooper tries to play the race card, despite the fact that Islam is a religion, not a race, and likens informers to Grand Dragons…
Believing the Worst Requires Too Little Imaginatio…
If it bleeds it leads is one reason we are all too well aware of as to why the news has more good then bad; even when more good than bad may have happened. Watch any local newscast and ……
Churchill denies being a fraud and retaliates with lawsuit…
As expected, Ward Churchill did not accept his loss of tenure gracefully.
Fired Colo. professor sues university
A professor who was fired after comparing some Sept. 11 victims to a Nazi sued the school Wednesday, saying officials ret…
Liberals blogs get unhinged over the Oregon School butt slappings: Guilty by “virtue of their whiteness”…
One liberal blog has jumped on the bandwagon about the two middle school kids being charged as sex offenders for running down the hall slapping butts.
This is hardly a shock, this particular blog, Shakespeare’s sister, has left common sense …
The Destruction of the Supreme Court…
-How liberals are planning an assault on an Independent judiciary
-A man with a plan: Rep. John Campbell (R-CA) provides a blueprint for earmarks reform.
-Good news: Adoption Rates on the Rise
Popularity: unranked [?]……
[…] Diary of the Mad Pigeon, The Random Yak, DeMediacratic Nation, Jeanette’s Celebrity Corner, Pirate’s Cove, Stuck On Stupid, Webloggin, Leaning Straight Up, The Pet Haven, Azamatteroprinciple – A new blog […]
[…] Leaning Straight Up, The Pet Haven, Conservative Cat, Conservative Thoughts, third world county, Pirate’s Cove, Planck’s Constant, The Pink Flamingo, Dumb Ox Daily News, Right Voices, and Public Eye, thanks […]