Oh, Look, A Lefty Wants To Work With Terrorists

Why am I not surprised at this story?

(CNSNews.com) – Anti-war activist Ramsey Clark says the United States should review its policies toward Egypt over the government’s "massive attacks on human rights and civil liberties" and support that country’s Muslim Brotherhood, the Islamist network that gave birth to Hamas.

Now, that paragraph it somewhat poorly written. It gives the idea that he is against Egypt, but the Muslim Brotherhood, as well. Au contraire

"Human rights have been disrespected there for a long time," Clark, a former U.S. Attorney General, told a press conference sponsored by the Muslim American Society Freedom Foundation in Washington, D.C., late last week.

Clark took issue with the arrest and pending military trial of 40 members of the Muslim Brotherhood, an opposition party that has been banned in Egypt. "For the last 12 years, members of the Muslim Brotherhood have been systematically arrested," he said.

This is today’s hard left progressive, someone who, if you remember, represented, willingly and wantingly, Saddam Hussein, and now, is taking the side of the Muslim Brotherhood, a murderous, anti-semetic, anti-USA, anti-Western, anti-civilized behavior, pro-violence and jihad group. Sure, maybe they are considered a "political group," and certainly, Egypt is not the best when it comes to human rights abuse, yet, what would cause Clark to condemn Egypt for treating a terrorist front group poorly?

This is what progressives do. Soon, you will see them openly supporting the objectives and tactics of al Qaeda and other groups, such as Hamas, Hezzbollah, Islamic Jihad, and the others. By openly, I mean not just on sites like the DU, Huffington Post, Kos, etc, with vieled references showing support, but actively supporting them, much as they did with the Soviet Union.

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3 Responses to “Oh, Look, A Lefty Wants To Work With Terrorists”

  1. darthcrUSAderworldtour2007 says:

    Blackbeard, the ‘Greatest Generation’ kicked Nazi, Jap & Spaghetti ass in WW II…called them Krauts, Japs, Nips and Whaps… killed them all until they surrendered within 3 and 1/2 years… Nuked two Jap cities in bringing them to an UNCONDITIONAL surrender…. and now this? I am disgusted and embarrassed….
    – All For ? 2007

  2. John Ryan says:

    And in spite of all of the name calling the lefty/hippie party seems to have the support of the American people

  3. darthcrUSAderworldtour2007 says:

    … hippies smell…as well as the socialist 19 Blue States of America …
    Welcome to Ryan’s secular degeneration X.
    FAIR = Fascists Atheists Idiots Rejects

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