Playing with some new plugins. Was trying to see why it took so long for comments to post. Long story short, Bad Behavior 2.0.7 slows them down quite a bit. Don’t get me wrong, one of the best plugins out there, but, I have turned it off, at least temporarily, in order to speed up commenting. If I find that I am getting too much spam, back on it goes!
I am already using Akismet (which does not like some comments), and Peter’s Custom Anti Spam Image (you can also try his newer one, which generates a random code), which cover quite a bit of the spam. Bad Behavior was in place to mostly stop trackback spam. So, I am trying the Trackback Validator plugin.
For comments, I have enable Ajax Comments. Kinda interesting. Instead of the page having to reload, they appear right there! FYI, you cannot use a plugin like Live!, as it intereferes and causes you to see old comments. When you refresh, you would see the correct comment. Weird. Apparently, having searched around, there are some other plugins it does not like, cause the same thing to happen. Oh, well.
Update before even posting: Now, I wrote the previous 3 paragraphs this morning. I decided to check some more regarding Bad Behavior, and found 2.0.10, and said, "ah, what the hell." Got rid of 2.0.7, and now have 2.0.10, which is, Yeah! working with Ajax. So, turned off Trackback Validator

Thanks for the mention :D
You might also want to check out the latest release of the Custom version, which automatically generates audio files in order to make it more accessible for visually impaired visitors. I haven’t yet implemented that feature on the Random version. Anyway, if you choose to upgrade, remember to deactivate and then reactivate the plugin.
Quite welcome, Peter. As I have said before, your plugin is one of the best of all the ones out there. Easy to implement, really cuts the comment spam. I’ll check out that newer version, sounds great.