And a good Sunday to all. Yet another super day here in America, the best country of all time. The Sun is out, the birds are chirping, time to laze away the day.
What’s happening on ye olde feedreader?
- hazel (Adeline and Hazel) ridicules the new tattoo on the ever shrinking porn star
- Beth (Blue Star Chronicles) has naked climahysterics melting a glacier. Scary stuff!
- My favorite lib, The Gun Toting Liberal, talks about Dems being happy they voted for the terrorist wiretapping bill
- Jay at Stop The ACLU discusses the useful al Qaeda idiots at the ACLU
- Sister Toldjah says that another Democrat has joined the traitor ranks (GOP Bloggers says an adult Dem was discovered)
- If you wanted to see that marine do his pro-American rap song, head over to Six Meat Buffet
- The Radio Equalizer has Al Franken’s strange behavior
- Rick at Right Wing Nut House has his Top 10 favorite movie lines. Head over and add yours
- James Joyner says fossil fuels are better then bio fuesl for the environment. Heh!
- Ogre loves how government creates government to solve a problem
- For better naked, less porn, Rusty at The Jawa Report has Burka Babes Booting Bombers
- Bullwinkle has amazing stupidity from the climahysterics. Also, he’s smart enough to beat it with Dean coming.
- Hot Air has Mike Vick’s School for Disobedient Dogs
- Michelle M has the conservative girlpower quote of the day
- To end it up, massive ducks over at Are We Lumberjacks?
I’m going to make this a linkfest, since was down quite a bit of Friday.
Do you have an interesting post? Well, go ahead and leave a trackback, with a reciprical link back to me.

testing Ajax
The Cost of Supporting the Fair Tax…
An analyst who supports the fair tax warns that candidates who do support it could face problems from Democrats who will misrepresent what the change to a National Sales Tax coupled with elimination of the income tax would mean. Why should we still su…
Thank GOD for no burkas! A young Marilyn Monroe perhaps?
Tell me why they had to die…
Those that are mourning those three students that were lined up against a wall and shot in the head, executed, are asking why?…
[…] Faultline USA, Stageleft, Big Dog’s Weblog, Right Truth, The World According to Carl, Pirate’s Cove, Webloggin, The Pink Flamingo, Conservative Cat, Pursuing Holiness, and Gone Hollywood, thanks to […]
Islam, Islamism, and America…
Today I decided to revisit some of the articles weÂ’ve written in the past year about Islam and Islamism . Perhaps our questions and conclusions will stimulate questions of your own?…
Western ‘Beasts’ Use Colored Underwear to Conceal Their Filth…
Here’s the latest addition to the List of Things That Offend Muslims. As usual, the complaint is very damning over a trivial issue.JW: There are rules of shari’a in everything. We have counted almost 70 rules about how to urinate…
Elvis Aaron Presley…
The photographs included in this exhibit were taken by a White House photographer and transferred to the National Archives as part of the materials under the Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act….
I missed this one *heh*…
Religion of peace, MHWA…
Sunday Storm Update…
This morning Hurricane Dean remains a dangerous Category 4 hurricane and is bearing down on Jamaica. Current forecasts indicate that the eye or northeast quadrant of the storm will pass directly over the island sometime this afternoon and evening….
comments test
Like that one, Darth? :)
About how I feel today. Allergies this time of the year, plus just the doldrums of August, make me very lazy.
Sex DefineS Us…
For centuries, people who participated in beatings, bondage, and all kinds of humiliation for sexual pleasure were considered mentally ill.
…on the way back from R&R at the Grand Strand, when passing the I-95 East Carolina University exit… we thought of William Teach buddy. For a week, I had no sinus problems, until we hit the liberal blue state we live in. I’m allergic to Demlibloonies! GOD I miss those red state beaches!!
Job thoughts as hope fades in the Utah mine collapse…
The news from Utah has been bleak, as the fourth hole drilled to find the missing miners gave poor indications of their survival. That couple with the unstable mountain that has claimed the lives of three rescuers has all but removed hope, not ju…
[…] Holiness, third world county, Right Celebrity, Woman Honor Thyself, Stageleft, Wake Up America, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Dumb Ox Daily News, Church and State, Right Pundits, 123beta, Adam’s […]
[…] Faultline USA, Woman Honor Thyself, Stageleft, Walls of the City, The World According to Carl, Pirate’s Cove, Blue Star Chronicles, The Pink Flamingo, Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker, The Yankee Sailor, and […]