Ed Brault on If All You See…: “In 1068 William the Conqueror ordered a survey of Britain to determine just how much wealth existed in the country.…” Mar 3, 13:35
Elwood P Dowd on If All You See…: “Secretary of State Marco Rubio has invoked “emergency authorities” to bypass Congress and send $4 billion in weapons to Israel,…” Mar 3, 12:20
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A photo of what Paris Hilton or Madonna would do? Not a place for scripture ! If this bimbo mocked Islam and the Koran… she’s be on a hit list, eh?
If she had used the King James version she could have had more room. This version is a little wordy.
Oh, you mean you hadn’t actually read it? lol
Excellent point, Darth. I think a photoshop will be a comin’! ;)
Yeah, I kinda wasn’t reading it, Beth. I did look at it long to see if was photoshopped. Not sure if it is. If so, it is really, really, really good.
Today’s Tramp Stamp…
Talk about throwing a big bucket of ice water on a situation.
hat-tip: The Pirate’s Cove
[…] hat-tip: The Pirate’s Cove […]
So for most people, The Bible is just…
Your average butt tattoo?