That seems to be the talking point going around the Left-o-sphere. Blogs, comments, forums. Even 5th tier Defeatocrat Presidential contender Chris Dodd weighed in
Dodd called it "a sad day in the Senate when we spend hours debating an ad while our young people are dying in Iraq. Now that the Senate has twice voted on this ad, it is time to move on and vote to end the war."
Yes, it is a sad day when we even have to debate whether sitting United States Senators will stand with a 4 Star General serving in a war zone, or hysterical, ant-American leftists who smeared said general. It would probably be better if we debated
- S.CON.RES.39 : A concurrent resolution supporting the goals and ideals of a world day of remembrance for road crash victims. (doesn’t he know there is a war on?)
- S.RES.47 : A resolution honoring the life and achievements of George C. Springer, Sr., the Northeast regional director and a former vice president of the American Federation of Teachers. (doesn’t he know there is a war on?)
- S.RES.155 : A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate on efforts to control violence and strengthen the rule of law in Guatemala. (if only they would do that here in the USA. Plus, doesn’t he know there is a war on?)
- S.RES.258 : A resolution recognizing the historical and educational significance of the Atlantic Freedom Tour of the Freedom Schooner Amistad, and expressing the sense of the Senate that preserving the legacy of the Amistad story is important in promoting multicultural dialogue, education, and cooperation. (doesn’t he know there is a war on?)
- S.660 : — Private Bill; A bill for the relief of Majan Jean. (doesn’t he know there is a war on?)
And even more stuff that shows he doesn’t understand that there is a war on!
Obama doesn’t, either
Obama, who appeared in Atlanta with R&B artist Usher and former NBA forward Dominique Wilkins, defended his decision not to vote, calling the resolution the "kind of game-playing that the American people are tired of."
He said it was wrong to waste time "debating about a newspaper ad" when young men and women are dying in Iraq and veterans are not receiving needed services.
Do I need to highlight some of his legislation and resolutions offered, when, instead of doing the business of the Senate, he was appearing with a former NBA player and an R&B singer? I do have to point out, in honesty, that the appearence was not the same day as the vote. I think you get my meaning, though.
S.CON.RES.5 : A concurrent resolution honoring the life of Percy Lavon Julian, a pioneer in the field of organic chemistry and the first and only African-American chemist to be inducted into the National Academy of Sciences.
S.CON.RES.25 : A concurrent resolution condemning the recent violent actions of the Government of Zimbabwe against peaceful opposition party activists and members of civil society.
S.CON.RES.44 : A concurrent resolution expressing the sense of Congress that a commemorative postage stamp should be issued honoring Rosa Louise McCauley Parks.
S.RES.268 : A resolution designating July 12, 2007, as "National Summer Learning Day".
S.795 : A bill to assist aliens who have been lawfully admitted in becoming citizens of the United States, and for other purposes.
I will give it to him, he introduced at least two pieces of legislation to support health care for veterans and military personel injured fighting. Too bad niether have gone any farther then being submitted to committee, which, if memory serves, said committees are run by Democrats, and have languised since the first quarter. Why no follow up, Osama Obama? Maybe it is because he is "too white?"
I suppose it wasn’t a waste of time when Obama and Dodd voted for the Boxer Amendment
The Senate rejected a competing amendment by California Democrat Barbara Boxer to “reaffirm†support for veterans and military personnel. Democrats who spoke for the Boxer amendment cited attacks by the Republican-allied Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, which in 2004 disparaged Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry’s military record during the Vietnam war. The 51-46 vote for the amendment was insufficient because, under a previous agreement, 60 votes were required for passage.
Clinton and Dodd voted for the Boxer amendment, while Republican presidential hopefuls John McCain of Arizona and Sam Brownback of Kansas voted against it. Obama was present for this roll call and voted for the measure.
I have not seen Shillary anything about it being a waste of time, but, she sure has offered legislation and resolutions that show she does not understand there is a war on, by Dodd’s definition.
Anyhow, this talking point is similar to the who "timing" stupidity. An excuse to avoid debate on a subject Leftards do not like, makes them look bad, and highlights their weakness, particularly on national security.
There’s-a-war-on-you-know-posted to Stop the ACLU, Blog @, Perri Nelson’s Website, Rosemary’s Thoughts, DeMediacratic Nation, 123beta, Adam’s Blog, Big Dog’s Weblog, Right Truth, Shadowscope, Stuck On Stupid, The Bullwinkle Blog,, Leaning Straight Up, Cao’s Blog, The Amboy Times, Adeline and Hazel, third world county, Woman Honor Thyself, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, The World According to Carl, Blue Star Chronicles, The Pink Flamingo, High Desert Wanderer, Right Voices, Public Eye, The Yankee Sailor, and Church and State, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Teach – you hit the nail on the head. Some days politics just makes me want to hurl! Yes, dammit – there is a war going on. Just because it is not in your best political interest to discuss it – don’t ignore it!!!!
Geezuz Teach; why the hell are posting anything? There’s a war going on!!!
Greta, the Dems are so dishonest, and know they will get destroyed if they ever have a legit, adult conversation.
Stacy, you know you are not supposed to respond. there’s a war on!
Great points, unfortunately. The Senate is just like the House with only difference being they get their seats for 6 years instead of 2. This makes it much harder to defeat them. I think we should repeal that portion of the amendmend. They seem to think they have more power than the president! If he lets them, they will have it. My God, HELP US!
Peaceful transfer of power in Sierra Leone brings hope…
On Tuesday, September 18, 2007, Sierra Leone made history. One of the war-torn countries of Africa is now on the first steps towards a weak democracy. While it has been a quasi-democracy in the past, they were constantly at war with Charles Taylor …….
GOD help us Rosemary? Saw a great tee-shirt down Blackbeards way: (Front) “GOD, if you exist and are merciful, why do you let Columbine shootings happen? Signed, A Concerned Parent”
(Back)”Dear Concerned Parent… I AM not allowed to be in your public schools anymore! Signed, A Merciful God”
AMEN and thank GOD for parochial schools, Christian private schools, and charter schools!
Dear Darth,
Yes, this is so true. I wonder how many people realize that only reason we have schools is because the POLITICIANS and the families and Churches agreed that the one way to maintain a civil society was to have LITERATE people who knew the Word of God? That is why the BIBLE was the text book! Ah…history. How crooked it is when a communist gets control of the education of our children…did I just drift? Hmm
Rosemary … I’m still grieving the losses of Ruth Bell Graham, Jerry Falwell and Dr. D. James Kennedy. I am a Roman Christian: one who is a conservative Roman Catholic that puts God and family and country first in a dispicable socialist blue state. Frau Vader is a conservative Lutheran from West Germany. Our son attends a university in a proud southern red state and every penny we spent on quality parochial schools has paid off. In NY City the drop out rate in ‘publicke skooles’ is over 40% and Senaturd Hilldabeast Clinton gets a free pass? Home schooling is big here because of the disgraceful publick school ‘CESS TEMS’!
Dear Darth,
September 5, 2007 was a joyously sad for those of us left behind. I keep remembering his words, “Do not cry for me. I am with God!” Wow. Dr. Kennedy was my pastor for quite a long time. I never met him, but I am homebound. I thank God He provided Dr. Kennedy with the gifts He did.
I am also grateful I was able to talk my sister into homeschooling my nephew. I started the talks before she was even pregnant! lol He is 5 and 1/2 years now. She has been going to a group, and they are all Christians. It is in their ethos. They will allow others to come, but they have to accept the fact that this is a Christian/faith based schooling system. I am so proud of her!
(She lives in a very blue state, too. Maine! I know we have two repukian senators from there, but they might as well be democrats for the way they vote.)
Jerry Falwell was hated because he was a trailblazer. So was George Washington! I am proud to have worked toward his many goals.
Ruth Graham was a remarkable woman. She is certainly a role model.
Please do not be sad. They would not desire this. They are happy and without pain. There is no more tears where they are. They are with God. I understand the sadness of missing them, but I have found that my sadness is sometimes jealously and/or selfishness. Why would I think they would rather stay here for a person they never knew instead of being with God? Then I force myself to smile through my tears. It works…most of the time.
God bless your family and you, Darth. It sounds as if you have done a well job. I believe you will continue on this path of righteousness, which is pleasing to our LORD. And they all said, “Amen!”
…thanks sweetheart! WE have to pick up the fight to write the right now in their place. Thanks to your blogs of patriotism… we can continue to do so. We will win this fight of good vs. evil and right vs. wrong. The evil ‘isms’ will go down in flames: islamofascism, communism, socialism, hedonism, materialism, and terrorism! The ‘isms’ are at home in their flames as well – in hell!
You’re welcome. I concur. ;)
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