"Note: While we don’t approve of the hacking of people’s websites, it is the case that comedy may be found in many of life’s spectacles."
Thanks for the hypocrisy, Gavin!
"Note: While we don’t approve of the hacking of people’s websites, it is the case that comedy may be found in many of life’s spectacles."
Thanks for the hypocrisy, Gavin!
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Oh, this is one of those things again. We were hit by multiple, coordinated DDOS attacks this year, and none of you guys said anything about it.
But now, now is the time to stand up for justice, when we post a screen-cap of some Turkish guy’s hack of the Duncan Hunter site along with a caveat saying we disapprove of such things.
Really, I don’t know how we live with ourselves, such hypocrites we are.
Dude, I will say, with all sincerity, that I despise any and all attacks, including on y’all. I was not familiar with your site at the time, but, that should not have been done.
Dreamhost has been attacked a few times, taking my little site down.
[…] This is “awesome,” according to Gavin at Sadly, No Brains! […]
Believe it or not, I just came here via the Sadly, Ridiculous! site! LOL
I saw your ping there and had to come over and see what you were doing. I found this latest example of their hypocrisy through email.
Gavin, you bloody stupid fuckwit–do you really expect us (conservative bloggers) to keep tabs on your blog’s uptime? Delusions of grandiosity, have you?
Listen, you twatwaffle, I think it SUCKS if you got hacked. Especially if it was by these kind of cyberjihadi kiddies, who couldn’t care less about your or my political preference, Democrat or Republican, Green or Libertarian. The point is: you’re AMERICAN (whether you like it or not). I’d be pissed if they hacked Hillobama’s websites, too, for the same reason.
You, on the other hand, would obviously rather be on the side of criminals (at best) or cyberterrorists (at worst), as long as they’re attacking Republicans.
You make me fucking sick.
/pardon my language, Teach, but seriously–they make me f’ing sick.
Our niece was almost knifed in West Germany at school by islamo turks because she wouldn’t let them cop a feel! The Berlin Wall should never have come down and these rag bags would still be in Ankara in gobble gobble ville!
Eat Me Turkey 2007!
More evidence that al Qaida and the leftist democrats are on the same side. They are both deperately trying to destroy the US any way possible and they continue to cheer each other on.
If the dhimmicrats win the presidency then all Iraqis can give up hope knowing the US Ally has been forced to betrayed them by Democrats. Iran will proceed to take Iraq and impose Sharia and then they will take Kuwait. Then they will have ALL the oil and no one in the US will be able to drive to work. But lefty morons don’t care because they, like al Qaida, hate Bush more then they love life.
I expect that Dems will begin suicide bombing any day now because they are so angry and ahte filled.
“Our niece was almost knifed in West Germany at school by islamo turks because she wouldn’t let them cop a feel! The Berlin Wall should never have come down and these rag bags would still be in Ankara in gobble gobble ville!
Eat Me Turkey 2007!”
Shocking. My niece was almost attacked in Chicago by a dirty Muslim.
At least he looked like a Muslim. He had that dirty brown Islamo-nigger look that the ragheaded sand-wops have.
Are the camel-humping niggy-nog ching-chongs especially bad in Turkey? I hear the kike-nosed sand-Polacks are really prejudiced against white people there.
It’s their Religion of Hate, you know.
Poor Gavin. He (still) finds it too difficult to recognize Moby when he sees him.
Keep digging, dumbass.
Moby must be awfully busy these days, writing all those comments at LGF and other sites, and also being this guy:
Say, how do we know you’re not Moby?
Hey Spartan…In a Demliblooney ocean of pollution, if Moby Dick spawned with Rosie O’Donnell… how BIG would the baby whales be? – Thar she blows 2007?