Probably the best candidate for president whom no one knows about
A California congressman yesterday called on Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff to override a ruling by a federal judge ordering the delay of construction of security fencing along the U.S.-Mexico border in Arizona.
Republican Rep. Duncan Hunter, in a letter, expressed concerns over the ruling this week by U.S. District Judge Ellen Segal Huvelle in Washington and called on Mr. Chertoff to exercise his authority to waive all laws impeding the completion of necessary border infrastructure.
"Environmental groups filing lawsuits to prevent the construction of critical border infrastructure comes as no surprise," Mr. Hunter said. "For years, a stretch of border in San Diego identified by the Border Patrol as ‘Smugglers Gulch,’ which federal law requires be fenced, has been left open and unprotected due to unrelenting legal action initiated by environmental groups.
Let’s not forget that these same environmentalists completely ignore the environmental damage that the people sneaking across the border are causing in those areas. They really need to get over themselves. It is a small area that the fence will impact, which will help with our national security. I am all for protecting the environment, but not at the expense of the security of our country.
Now, if only Hunter could make a break into the top tier candidates.
And we know Chertoff will wimp out, or, to put it more precisely, follow his original plan, and ignore the border fence.
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