October 27, 2007 – 9:03 pm
Especially on skates Yikes!
October 27, 2007 – 4:07 pm
First we had Ron Paul taking money from Don Black, a new-Nazi/white supremacist and founder of Stormfront.com. Now, via Hot Air, we find out even more deplorable behavior by the Ron Paul. Kudo’s to Beth at MY Vast Right Wing Conspiracy for getting the story that one Alex Jones is was paid $1,300 by the Paul campaign […]
October 27, 2007 – 1:00 pm
Good news! Liberals are winning the war against the Flag and the military. Parts of the Flag Ceremony are now banned at 125 national cemetaries. See The Thunder Run.
October 27, 2007 – 12:55 pm
I wonder why I did not see this good news in the standard media outlets? BAGHDAD, Iraq – Coalition forces detained two wanted individuals and an additional suspect during operations Tuesday to disrupt the car-bombing network in Baghdad. Coalition forces captured a wanted individual believed to be responsible for planning numerous car-bombing attacks in the […]
October 27, 2007 – 7:51 am
Let’s see, how does that go? Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Too bad John Edwards, […]