Isn’t it nice to know that our education system, run and staffed predominately by liberals-who are protected by all sorts of unions that couldn’t care less about the purpose of the education system, namely, to educate children-is doing so well?
It’s a nickname no principal could be proud of: “Dropout Factory,” a high school where no more than 60 percent of the students who start as freshmen make it to their senior year. That dubious distinction applies to more than one in 10 high schools across America.
“If you’re born in a neighborhood or town where the only high school is one where graduation is not the norm, how is this living in the land of equal opportunity?” asks Bob Balfanz, the researcher at Johns Hopkins University who defines such a school as a “dropout factory.”
There are about 1,700 regular or vocational high schools nationwide that fit that description, according to an analysis of Education Department data conducted by Johns Hopkins for The Associated Press. That’s 12 percent of all such schools, no more than a decade ago but no less, either.
I’m sure Democrats will blame this on Bush, like they do everything else, but, face it, the blame points straight at liberals and their ideas, along with their unions. How is it possible that we pump all this money into schools, constantly pass new laws and regulations, yet, 1 in 10 schools are dropout factories?
Now, the article points out several proposals on the table in order to increase graduation rates. The three that are conspicuously absent are
- put the money towards teaching the children in k-12, rather then in so many administrators, extra curricular activities, sports fields, social studies, feel good programs, Â tre’ haut buildings, and diversity classes.
- holding teachers responsible and accountable by testing them.
- giving merit based raises
That last two, the unions simply loathe. It would be silly to hold teachers, you know, accountable for doing their jobs, and base any raises on their performance.
Do you have an interesting post? Well, go ahead and leave a trackback, with a reciprical link back to me. udderwise, yu shill b putt bak in2 forth gradde.

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Trackposted to Outside the Bel…
Leave those worms alone…
Scientists playing with the sexual orientation of crawly creatures. Are there people with too much time on their hands….
Proper learning enviorment…
Dolphin QB John Beck gets some interesting assistance as he learns the team’s playbook….
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[…] to Nuke’s, Perri Nelson’s Website, third world county, Pirate’s Cove, Blue Star Chronicles, The Pink Flamingo, Big Dog’s Weblog, and Right Voices, thanks to […]
Tuesday Frivol: A Poll Hillary Can Win…
Hillary Clinton can win at the polls after all.
Scary thought?Â
That’s precisely what a majority of voters in an Associated Press-Ipsos survey thought. The survey asked voters to determine which of the current presidential candidates would …
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Our blue state is ranked 47th in ‘pub lick skoole ed u kay shun’ and our obese feminazi governor only has a… get this: GED! Senaturd Hitlery Rotten Clinton’s NYC has a 48% drop out rate too…and they want to go on to college afterwards WT? Future doctors, lawyers and fighter pilots in the Degeneration X ‘Poop Culture’?
Oprah should have helped US Blacks…
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Stop blaming the teachers and start putting the responsibility on the parent’s and administrator’s shoulders. My wife is a teacher and she is so frustrated by kids who don’t care about the education and parents who think the school is supposed to raise the kids for them.
The administrator’s are more concerned about their career than with the students actually learning. In one district here in Houston, the supertendant makes over a million dollars and he doesn’t even have an educational background. He was the districts PR representative.
Mos teachers don’t make it five years before the system or the parents burn them out. People think that they only work during school hours and then they get the whole Summer off. Anyone who makes that their basis of negative criticism on the teachers is really clueless about how hard it is for a teacher.
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You don’t have to find p-orno-graphy. In our society: It finds you.
the graduation rate is really a north/south and rich poor problem.
All the states that are below 60% are in the south.
But of course it is easier just to nlame the liberals.
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Podcast Show NotesÂ
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Meanwhile, a little bit of …
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Words hurt ya know…
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