Via Texas Fred comes this disgusting story from Malagent’s Domain
On my way home tonight I was drawn into an incident that has me so angry that I could not even write about it until I calmed down a bit.
In a residential neighborhood I stopped at an intersection and witnessed several children who appeared to be fighting a few yards from my vehicle. At first it did not seem real serious, however, one of the children said something that caused me to pay more attention. He said “You’re a terrorist just like your dad, I’m going to kill you just like the Iraq is gonna kill him.†It was then that I realized what was going on. A young boy, probably 10 or 11 was dressed as a US soldier, he was pinned on the ground while a group of four or five other boys where hitting and kicking him while at least two older people in costumes watched.
I left my truck in the street and got out just as one boy picked up a softball sized rock and headed towards he boy pinned on the ground. He was yelling “MURDERER†over and over. I yelled at the boy with the rock who dropped it and ran as he saw me. The others did not stop attacking the boy on the ground until I pulled them off of him. It was at this point the two older people started screaming at me. “What are you doing to my boys, leave them alone!†They were the mothers of two of the attackers. I told them I was calling the police and they all ran off.
The boy who had been attacked was crying and told me his father was serving in Iraq so he had decided to dress “like a soldier†for Halloween. He told me the attackers were his friends and that after one of the mothers start calling him and his dad a murderer his friends joined in and then attacked him.
Definately read the rest.
This is liberalism in a nut shell. Mother’s looking on while their children assault another child simply for wearing a soldier’s costume. These are the same types of parents who let their children, including pre-teen, wear pimp and hooker type costumes. The same type of people who back the ACLU’s view of NAMBLA, without a care in the world for what NAMBLA members want to do. The same people who enable pedophiles by treating them like they are mentally ill, so should be treated, rather then castrated and locked away for good. And putting their children out on display wearing slut clothing, and not just on Halloween.