Happy Friday to all! It’s that time of the week again! Do you have an interesting post you want to share with everyone? The official Surrender Monkey of the Democratic Party says to do what the Lefties don’t, since they all have the same talking points: link it
Let’s hear Pelosi in her own words (btw, the audio and video gets out of synch near the end. Sorry!)
We have a saying here we are standing from a position of great confidence and great bipartisanship on these fights that we are making. The President is not attuned to the majority of the country and the majority of the Congress. So what is he to do? He is the President of the United States. What does he have to show for his presidency? He is the President of the United States already talking about his library. What is he going to have in the library? A tax cut for the wealthiest people in the country at the expense of the middle class and a war without end that is a total failure? So he has to talk about something and he stoops to a level, in my view, that is beneath the dignity of the office that he holds and I don’t want to go there with him.
I wonder how our troops (as well as the troops from other countries)Â who are serving in Iraq now and have served, along with all the other men and women from the civilian levels and government agencies both here and abroad, feel about her statement? One that could be straight from Osama himself.
I wonder what her legacy is?
Hours after touting the Democratic-controlled Congress’ achievements at a ceremony on the Capitol steps Thursday, Pelosi confessed that she would give the legislative body low marks if a pollster asked her.
“I know that Congress has low approval ratings,” Pelosi, D-Calif., said at her weekly news conference. “I don’t approve of Congress, because we haven’t done anything that — we haven’t been effective in ending the war in Iraq. And if you asked me in a phone call, as ardent a Democrat as I am, I would disapprove of Congress as well.”
Funny how Congresses approval ratings are lower then Bush’s, eh? She sure hasn’t done much, and, BTW, Nance? Time to change the webpage. We are way passed your do nothing 100 hours.
Update: Bryan at Hot Air has the video up. He wonders if Nancy can hit single digits for approval.
Ed Gruberman says the happiness in the USA is driving the left mad.
Ian Schwartz has it too.
It’s doing some good business over at Youtube, too, so, I’ll use that one instead of the Daily Motion upload.
Send a trackback to this post, but don’t forget to link it. Otherwise, Nancy will fling poo at you.

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[…] Ouch. Teach tells Nancy her 100 hours ARE UP: Funny how Congresses approval ratings are lower then Bush’s, eh? She sure hasn’t done much, and, BTW, Nance? Time to change the webpage. We are way passed your do nothing 100 hours. […]
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NO NO NO. That would be “offensiveâ€.
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