Somehow, I highly doubt that soldiers who served in Iraq who support the war effort are going to get much airplay in the liberal media. Do you?
( – Three veterans of the Iraq war on Thursday said lawmakers who support a quick end to the conflict should exercise patience in waiting for political reconciliation to grow out of increased stability in the region.
“We’re not going to be able to expect the kind of military progress that we’ve had to immediately translate into political reconciliation,” 1st Lt. Pete Hegseth said Thursday at the American Veterans’ Center annual conference in Washington, D.C. “You have to create the space militarily for real political reconciliation and there is no timeline.”
Hegseth served in Iraq in 2005 and is now the executive director of Vets for Freedom, a group that supports keeping troops in Iraq. He said the Iraqi people feel “wounds so deep … that they’re not going to be healed because of a six-month surge.”
“I think we do need to be patient,” Hegseth said, insisting that “you can’t put a definitive timeline on it.”
Check out the rest of the article and what the Iraq War Vets have to say. And don’t forget to bookmark Vets For Freedom.