Here’s one for the “Isreael is the devil and must withdraw all its troops from Palestinian territory” appeasers
A top Hamas leader in the Gaza Strip warned on Friday that the Islamist movement would seize control of the West Bank if Israel withdrew from the occupied territory.
“Israel says the party in power in Ramallah (Fatah) serves its interests and if Israel withdraws from the West Bank, Hamas will take control. That’s true,” Mahmud Zahar told a party rally in Jabaliya, in the northern Gaza Strip.
Whether it is thru elections or force, the last thing that is needed in the West Bank is for it to be controlled by yet another Muslim extremist group. The Palestinian people need hope, not anger. They need a group to lead them to peace, not suicide bombings, which Hamas has been involved in many times, having grown out of the intifada and the Muslim Brotherhood.
It would be nice if someone would find all the billions that Arafat had stashed around, and used it to help the Palestinians and their standard of living, but, we know that won’t happen. The Muslim leaders are more interested in destroying Israel, liberals follow right along and blame Israel for the problems, and the United Nations is virulently anti-Israel, so no help there.
Zahar also said an international meeting on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that the United States is preparing to host later this month would fail.
Again, the Muslim extremist groups do not want peace. They want violence. It is high time that certain communities understand that. Particularly the Al-Aqsa Kaffiyeh brigade folks.

O/t – you’ve been tagged for a SEO meme :)(Don’t hate me!!! lol)
Of course the ONE thing that we do not want is for the Palestinians to actually get a government that they choose.
John Ryan cheers for the PLO, Hamas, Hezbollah, Mujahadeen, Al-Qaeda and Hitlery Rotten Clinton…. Happy Veteran’s Day anyway! That’s right, Bill and Hillary embraced Yassar ‘The Rat’ Arafat during his corrupt administration! Jimmy Carter did too. My bad.