Would make an interesting title for a TV series, eh? Via Jay at Stop The ACLU, we find out the Nutroots, you know, those peaceful folks who do not curse, are teeing off on him left and right. Even saying he is aping the Right Wing Talking Points.
Barack Obama is echoing the right’s destructive narrative about Social Security being in crisis. The crisis is that Reagan and then Bush took all the money from the Social Security Trust Fund to use for tax cuts for the rich. (Clinton’s surpluses were paying it back, Bush reversed that.) And now the Trust Fund is going to need some of that money back .
Michelle M has more.
I’ll have to do a dumpster dive in a little while. Bear with me.

Even though your site is Pirate’s Cove, I will not refer to you as PC. I am a Raider fan, so pirates are close enough.
I saw your site through Michelle Malkin’s site, since I enjoy her site as well.
Stop by any time and say hello. If you comment, it goes to my email addy and we can keep in touch. I always like making new conservative friends.
eric aka http://www.blacktygrrrr.wordpress.com
The Tygrrrr Express
P.S. If you are open to doing a link exchange, I get some pretty decent traffic.
… you forgot about the Tampa Bay Bucs and John Gruden – who destroyed you in that Superbowl! Also WT’s East Carolina Pirates are tough matey… they usaed to be!