Happy Friday to all! It’s that time of the week again! Do you have an interesting post you want to share with everyone? The official Surrender Monkey of the Democratic Party says to do what the Lefties don’t, since they all have the same talking points: link it
For those who cared there was a Democrat debate last nigh….zzzz…… Sorry, it is even boring writing about it. Be that as it may, it showed a bit about what the Democrats are really offering as presidential candidates, particularly Hillary. Let’s see
As the three leading Democratic candidates continued escalating attacks and counterattacks against one another, Nevada issues mostly took a back seat Thursday in the first presidential debate staged in the Silver State.
But Nevadans proved to be a raucous audience, several times stealing the spotlight by heckling the moderator and sometimes booing attacks on U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton, who has a substantial lead in polls of Nevada Democrats.
Ah. Now she has the audience protecting her. Of the three major contenders, Obama is the only one who seems capable of dealing with the attacks on his own. Edwards has his wife. And Hillary, well, has everyone else. Yes, she can do some herself, but, this is a woman who has wanted to be president, and has worked towards that moment, for decades. And she needs tons of people to protect her. Could it have anything to do with her being unable to answer unscripted questions?
“This pantsuit, it’s made of asbestos,” Clinton said, when asked by Campbell Brown of CNN about criticisms by her opponents that she is unable to give firm answers to important policy questions.
I like the way Michael Sherer at Salon put it better
7 minutes. Finally, the debate begins. Clinton is asked why she was so lame during the last debate. Does she represent “the politics of parsing,” as one of her opponents charges? Clinton is expecting this. She pulls out a wardrobe joke. “This pantsuit,” she says about the static tweed. “It’s asbestos tonight.” The laughter allows Clinton to duck the question.
That is the Democrat front runner: someone who cannot answer questions. George Bush may not be the best speaker, but, at least he gives the questions a shot. Even about zombies.
The heckling and boo-ing of anyone who attacked Clinton continued. Sherer is wondering, perhaps rightly, if they are Clinton plants, and seriously seems to be considering that there should be an investigation. They also went after Wolf Blitzer of the Clinton News Network, including for giving the other candidates vary limited time to talk. No biggie, since there was little of substance, anyhow.
Check out Michelle Malkin for her take on the debates, plus a slew of TB’s from others.
Update: Not mentioned in this post was the question asked of Hillary by UNLV student Maria Luisa “do you prefer diamonds or pearls?” And now we find out that she wrote on her My Space page that CNN told her to ask that type of question, rather then the one she wanted to ask about the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste depository (which should have been opened about a decade ago), via Marc Ambinder at The Atlantic.
I guess Hillary doesn’t need to plant question: CNN will do it themselves. Of course, you know CNN will not be embarrassed.
See Memeorandum for tons of discussion.
Send a trackback to this post, but don’t forget to link it. And check out Rosemary’s Thoughts. Great links to info on the real situation in Iraq.

Jihadists Attack Male Gynaecologists…
Added to the List. You just have to shake your head and wonder…Male gynaecologists are being targeted by Islamic extremists in Iraq as they are accused of invading the privacy of women. Women’s NGOs have raised concerns as there are…
Reality vs. Make believe news…
Blackfive has a great link to Greyhawk who hits the nail on its head about Iraq. He sets the record straight between the reality of on-the-ground circumstances in Iraq vs. dinosaur media defeatism. Hey, he’s been there and done that, have you? An abs….
Rising inequality and shrinking opportunity, not so fast…
If you are sick of hearing politicians, particularly the current crop of presidential candidates, continue to talk about the ‘inequality’ of income here in the United States, you may be interested in this article which says: “We’d refer those campa…
Well Teach talk is cheap……
But here is how it looks at the 50 week mark with the people who are willing to put their real money up.
2-1 The favorite Hillary
6-1 The first Republican Giuliani
10-1 Romney
11-1 Obama
28-1 Paul
30-1 Gore
38-1 McCain
The Democrats are also very heavily favored to retain control of both houses in Congress
I wish the odds were more even but people just don’t think the Republicans have much of a chance in 2008
[…] to Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Perri Nelson’s Website, Leaning Straight Up, Right Voices, and The World […]
[…] Cat, Adeline and Hazel, third world county, Woman Honor Thyself, The World According to Carl, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Right Voices, Gone Hollywood, and Church and State, thanks to Linkfest Haven […]
Lackluster Democratic Debate…
Last night the Democrats held a debate in Las Vegas and though supporters will claim their individual candidate won, the reality is that it was a pretty evenly matched contest. Obama and Edwards lost their nerve and refused to continue their attack on…
[…] just remembered Teach does open trackbacks now and again and I think this article is worthy of sharing. So go over and see what he has to […]
I posted something and then remembered your trackback parties…so I hope my TB came your way. Its about the NHS approving hymen repair surgeries for Muslin women but denying hip replacement operations for others.
The Uncooperative Radio Show! Nov. 16, 17 and 18,…
Live, Independent, Conservative Talk Radio! We are rocking over on Talkshoe Friday, Saturday and Sunday 8pm to 10pm Eastern Time.
Special Guests: Saturday: Jim Gilchrist of the Minuteman Project
Sunday: Author Michael Cl…..
Rohrabacher: Sutton’s “self congratulatory” statement on the arrests was “shameful”…
U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton’s star witness against border agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean was arrested yesterday:
“Just as Aldrete’s alleged illegal conduct did not excuse the crimes committed by Compean and Ramos, likewise, the…
File under: Wish I had been there… [video]…
Raven… at least the islamos have more hymen and gonads than treasonous American politikooks and Defeatocrats! Have a grrreat weekend – nevermore.
Matt Damon is Declared PeopleÂ’s Sexiest Man Alive…
Hollywood actor Matt Damon has been named Sexiest Man Alive by People magazine. Some of the other actors considered for this much hyped anointing were the likes of Patrick Dempsey, Johnny Depp, Ryan Reynolds, Brad Pitt, Javier Bardem, George Clooney,…..
Help the Pigeon Donate Turkeys to Local Food Bank…
Care and Share hopes to distribute about 6,000 Thanksgiving turkeys through about 400 local food banks, but Wednesday it had only about 100 turkeys on hand….
I wouldn’t bet the farm on the dhimmi’s taking the white house or keeping either house of congress. Harry Reid and Nan the Pan have made a laughing stock of the congress and it’s bleeding down or up to other democrats. The historical or hystrical record of ‘do nothing’ is not what the American people (who had a nightmare in 06) expected. We told you, two years of pure comedy is all you would get from the inept leadership of congress. They could be convicted of stupidity in any court in the land.
Hoboken SWATted By Hooters Encounter…
So, will this affect the public safety for residents of Hoboken who might rely on the SWAT team for protection in certain situations?…
[…] Leaning Straight Up, The Amboy Times, Adeline and Hazel, third world county, Woman Honor Thyself, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, CommonSenseAmerica, Dumb Ox Daily News, Right Voices, Church and State, […]
Comrade Ryan thinks in his narrow lefty lune mindset that Darth and Scrappy and Raven are going to listen to CNN and his ‘numbers’ WHILE we vote for the GOP in 11 months! Don’t these pesky treasonous Sorelosermen ever give up their sinking ship? Limo? Airplane?
[…] bloggers weigh in, H/T to MemeOrandum: Pirates Cove; The Carpetbagger Report; Don Surber; The Reaction (Michael Stickings); Hot […]
[…] , The Pet Haven Blog, The Amboy Times, Adeline and Hazel, third world county, Woman Honor Thyself, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, CommonSenseAmerica, Dumb Ox Daily News, Right Voices, Church and State, Blog @ […]
[…] , The Pet Haven Blog, The Amboy Times, Adeline and Hazel, third world county, Woman Honor Thyself, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, CommonSenseAmerica, Dumb Ox Daily News, Right Voices, Church and State, Blog @ […]
CNN softball debate included planted (and sexist) question for Hillary Clinton…
The headlines read that the wolf had become a lamb, referring to Wolf Blitzer, who softballed the debate.
After Hillary’s flopping over illegal immigrants and drivers licenses, how could he not make that an issue?
But he didn’t. And Edw…
[…] Leaning Straight Up, The Amboy Times, Adeline and Hazel, third world county, Woman Honor Thyself, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, CommonSenseAmerica, Dumb Ox Daily News, Right Voices, Church and State, Blog @ […]
[…] Leaning Straight Up, The Amboy Times, Adeline and Hazel, third world county, Woman Honor Thyself, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, CommonSenseAmerica, Dumb Ox Daily News, Right Voices, Church and State, Blog @ […]
Debate on Mike Huckabee’s Economic Record…
Two of the best Conservative bloggers on the Internet, Andy Roth of Club for Growth and Joe Carter of the Evangelical Outpost joined to debate Mike Huckabee’s economic record in this special podcast.
[…] The Pet Haven Blog, Leaning Straight Up, The Amboy Times, Adeline and Hazel, third world county, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, CommonSenseAmerica, Dumb Ox Daily News, Right Voices, Church and State, A Blog […]
The Right Questions to Ask Hillary Clinton…
I’m not worried in the least that some automated system is listening to my conversations, why should the candidates? Except for a handful of Muslim extremists who despise the Patriot Act the rest of us have more important worries….
[…] Conservative Cat, Nuke’s, third world county, Allie is Wired, The World According to Carl, Pirate’s Cove, Blue Star Chronicles, The Pink Flamingo, Wolf Pangloss, Dumb Ox Daily News, and Church and State, […]
Dr. Phil on: “Palestine”..HuH?…
Uh huh. “Cept for one lil thing.
It’s Dr. Phil who “Demonstrates the truly “Larger Problemâ€.
[…] Leaning Straight Up, The Amboy Times, Adeline and Hazel, third world county, Woman Honor Thyself, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, CommonSenseAmerica, Dumb Ox Daily News, Right Voices, Stageleft, Church and […]
The World should give thanks for America…
Every time we have an election my Beloved Curmudgeon says something to the effect that the rest of the world must look at us in wonder that we regularly transfer power peacefully. I guess we all have certain things our spouses say that we can predict…..
Muslim Atrocities No News at All…
It is interesting to note that the Kingdom Tower, a landmark of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia curiously looks like the scraper tool used for removing the labia and other genital material from poor young women….
A Battlefield Tour of Arab Jabour…
I recently got an email from Ed Kirkpatrick. He contacted me because he had seen on my blog that my son is stationed on FOB Falcon. EdÂ’s son, Scott Kirkpatrick, had been stationed on the same FOB during the same time as my son. He asked me if my son ….
[…] TB Friday Featuring The Surrender Monkey: Dem Cattle Call […]
[…] Weblog, Conservative Cat, Adeline and Hazel, third world county, The World According to Carl, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Right Voices, Gone Hollywood, and Church and State, thanks to Linkfest Haven […]
[…] Weblog, Conservative Cat, Adeline and Hazel, third world county, The World According to Carl, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Right Voices, Gone Hollywood, and Church and State, thanks to Linkfest Haven […]
The Pork Continues…
Despite Democrat promises, the pork continues…More people forced to pay the Jock Tax…Bloomberg doing the right thing on education…Mourning on Thanksgiving…A man in Michigan stops complaining and does something…A new soluti…