As if you need another reason to consider the campaign of Mr. Ron “I’ll ignore the fact that tons of my supporters are Truthers and white supremacists” Paul, here’s another. Prison Planet, about as far out there as one can get, continues to print articles which are somewhat pro Paul
Complaints and demands for a retraction and an apology are flooding CNN today after Neo-Con host Glenn Beck and ex-Marxist David Horowitz smeared Ron Paul supporters, libertarians and the anti-war left as terrorist sympathizers and inferred that the U.S. military should be used to silence them, parroting a talking point that traces back to a September 2006 White House directive.
Wecome to koo koo land. Instead of saying “no, we aren’t like Beck and Horowitz said,” they whine and write letters of protest for telling it like it is.

Inmates support Ron Paul, ALL democrat liberal candidates and Nation of Islam – period. I wonder why matey? Yeah – the Death to America crowd! Facts are facts!
John Ryan should reach out to inmates and let them live with him !
Apparently about 4% of all Republicans are supporters of Paul.
NO kidding ‘Stat Man’! Ralph Nader and Ross Perot cost the Sorelosermen the 2000 presidential election and Bush #41 the 1992
deal… back to my bow movement now and that’s 100% factual! PS: I use the NY TIMES / SLIMES for toilet paper for environmental purposes? LOVE when false prophets speak of RELIGION and when liberals and religion come together = blasphemy…Malachi 3:18 and Chapter 4 and II Timothy 3:5 ! Praise GOD that we’re on to your sick ilk Ryan!