But, will Bush listen? (Washington Times)
In a letter that was delivered today to the White House, 31 major conservative petitioners joined a campaign led by Rep. Duncan Hunter, California Republican and presidential candidate, asking President Bush to pardon Ignacio Ramos and Jose Alonso Compean before Thanksgiving.
The letter comes on the heels of the arrest of admitted drug smuggler Osvaldo Aldrete-Davila on charges of trafficking marijuana while he was profiting from the federal immunity deal as the star witness in the shooting case against the agents.
“History has proven that the mere words and deeds of a president can change the course of history and profoundly affect both the tone and direction of the nation’s moral character for generations to come,” said the letter signed by 31 petitioners, mostly from Christian conservative groups and national-security organizations.
“The impact of a president’s silence can have the same dramatic and devastating results. That is why we find your continued silence on the issue of a presidential pardon for Border Patrol agents Ramos and Compean of great concern,” it said.
If people want to know why President Bush’s approval ratings are so low on the conservative side, well, the way he handles the illegal immigration problem is one of the primary reasons. So far, in respect to Ramos and Compean, he has pretty much ignored their plight. The least he could do would be to offer them clemency, if not a full pardon, as he did with Scooter Libby.
Kudos to Duncan Hunter for getting involved in this matter, but, let us not forget the great people at Grassfire.org, who started the petition which was delivered with 400K signatures to the White House, and all the great work they have done to expose the story. Plus World Net Daily, Rep Dana Rohrabacher (R-Ca), and Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-Ca), who have all helped the case tremendously. And all the citizens who have stood up for the two agents and their families.
Funny how so many people complain about the families of illegal immigrants being separated, yet, the same people do not stand up for Ramos and Compean being separated from their families.

Christian conservative groups ???
Like the ones who think that the earth is 10,000 years old ? Because that is what it says in the bible ?
Teach before slurring the other side better take a closer look at who is on your side of the fence.
From what I know of this story I agree the border agents should be pardoned.
John, I have to say your comment seems irrelevant to this post.
WE’LL trust the Holy Bible and it’s scripture John Ryan and you’ll be with the goats on Judgment Day: Ecc 10-2 and II Timothy 3:5 and Malachi 3:18 and Chapter 4 and Chrissie is right: “It sucks to be you!”
Duncan Hunter did not submit the letter today signed by the 31 groups. That was an independent effort that happened to coincide with Hunter’s letter from last week.
Hey, John Ryan…what planet are you on, man? This venting hate for the Christian groups is such a cheap calculated shot -so Crosby, Stills and Nash. Try to be a real moron, and think of something new, okay? See, that’s what happens when you think you’re the center of the universe…just too cool for words. Read the letter the 31 signed. Most people who hate Christians hate Bush, so you can enjoy the fairly sharp attacks on Bush’s character…a gutsy thing for “Christians” to do…maybe you ought to have somone explain some of the big words to you.