It’s bad enough that the Feds are dragging their heals in an apparent move to mimic the NY Giants offense on building the border fence. Now……
Congress last night passed a giant new spending bill that undermines current plans for a U.S.-Mexico border fence, allowing the Homeland Security Department to build a single-tier barrier rather than the two-tier version that has worked in California.
But the measures did not pass before House Republicans blasted the changes to the border fence.
“The fact that this was buried in a bloated, 3,500-page omnibus speaks volumes about the Democrats’ unserious approach on border security and illegal immigration,” said House Minority Leader John A. Boehner, Ohio Republican. “Gutting the Secure Fence Act will make our borders less secure, but it’s consistent with the pattern of behavior we’ve seen all year from this majority.”
The 2006 Secure Fence Act specifically called for “two layers of reinforced fencing” and listed five specific sections of border where it should be installed. The new spending bill removes the two-tier requirement and the list of locations.
Yet quite a few Republicans voted for the bill, which also cut $77 million from the Homeland Security’s domestic nuclear detection office.
“Pulling back from the double-fence mandate is a prescription for failure that will only allow more smugglers, criminals and illegal aliens to enter the United States through our land border with Mexico,” said Duncan Hunter (R-Ca), who also is running for his party’s presidential nomination.
Pulling back in the face of an enemy is what Democrats are great at.
I would also mention that Congresses poll numbers are at an all time low, according to a new USA Today/Gallup poll, but the article is a travesty of normal Bush derangement and Republican hatred.
And it is a good thing the Feds are incompetent when it comes to the Southern border, otherwise, how else would our Border Patrol agents get in their tear gas target practice?
Michelle Malkin has a breakdown of how Dems still lost on the spending bill.
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