Monthly Archives: December 2007

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup-Christmas Is Almost Here Edition

And a Happy Sunday! It is another fantastic day in America, albeit rainy, chilly, snowy, icy. You know, winter. This pinup is by Gil Elvgren, with a bit of help from American Santa. What is happening on ye olde feedreader? Carol at Alabama Improper brings you the Good News The Anchoress has the 25 greatest […]

Fred!’s Most Excellent Christmas Message

Personally, I usually do not care for candidates doing the Christmas video thing, but, I guess we can expect them more with today’s media outlets. I though Huckabooms was good, as was Obama’s. Rudy’s was nice, too, though I hear a lot think it was too hokey. Hillary and Edwards were unmitagated disasters, though they […]

The Politics Of Delusional Pundits On Delusional Pundits

I do dearly love my PDA phones and the great material I find on the Internet while using it. Quite often, stories that tend to be lower priority on the regular net are higher up on the wireless web. Such as this story of delusion Every now and then in American politics, normally balanced people […]

Global Warming Today: Those CFL’s Are Great. And Required

We all should be using compact flourescent lightbulbs, right? They will help reduce man made global warming, right? Michelle Malkin noticed this the other day  You know the energy bill that Congress passed and President Bush signed into law today? Tucked into the legislation is a provision that mandates the phase-out of the 125-year-old incandescent […]

Wow, Christmas Parties Are Fun


My Perfect Christmas Tree

You Should Have a Purple Christmas Tree For you, the holidays represent a time of creativity and expression.There’s no way you’d do something bland simply for tradition’s sake.You are an independent person, and you definitely do the holidays your own way.And you’re decadent enough to go way over the top with any unusual holiday ideas […]

Religion Of Peace Update: Boy, They Respect Their Religion!

Super! A suicide attacker detonated a powerful bomb inside a crowded mosque in northwestern Pakistan on Friday, killing at least 50 people and injuring 80 as they celebrated one of Islam’s major holidays with the country’s former interior minister, Pakistani officials said. If they Islamic extremists do not respect their religion, why should we?

TB Friday Featuring The Surrender Monkey: The 400

Happy Friday to all! It’s that time of the week again! Do you have an interesting post you want to share with everyone? The official Surrender Monkey of the Democratic Party says to do what the Lefties don’t, since they all have the same talking points: link it! Surrendie is confused today. As a good liberal, […]

Sayyed Imam al-Sharif Urges End Of Jihad

A very interesting development, which I am sure dhimmis around the world, such as Liberalus Americanus, are not particularly happy with One of Al Qaeda’s senior theologians is calling on his followers to end their military jihad and saying the attacks of September 11, 2001, were a “catastrophe for all Muslims.” In a serialized manifesto […]

Democrats In For Slap Fight As New Candidate Emerges

Via Hot Air Over at Weasel Zippers: The troofers toook the day off from drawing their “Ron Paul REVOLution” signs to show some support for Crazy Hair… Former U.S. Rep. Cynthia McKinney today didn’t draw the crowds that other presidential candidates have seen in Wisconsin stops, but she did find support from a constituency that […]

Pirate's Cove