I know several bloggers on the right have stated that Paul is not a Twoofer, however, considering that a. he takes money from them, b. hangs with them, c. has never repudiated a good portion of his fan base, I seriously have to consider that he believes in the Truth movement. Also, because he loves to blame America.
And, now more proof of his Twoofer links (via Little Green Footballs)
The Ron Paul Aircorps banner tow will correspond to Paul’s campaign in Iowa. The Ron Paul Aircorps is the brainchild of Ted Anderson, owner and CEO of the Genesis Communications Radio Network (GCN) out of Saint Paul, Minnesota and nationally-syndicated radio show host, Alex Jones.
The tow will be announced today on GCN’s flagship show, the Alex Jones show. Alex Jones, a nationally-recognized media activist who has been featured from 60 Minutes to USA Today, is a staunch supporter of Ron Paul.
Says Jones, “The latest battalion in the info-war, the Ron Paul Aircorps, is launching today to wake people up that Ron Paul is the only real hope for America.â€
If you are not familiar with Jones, he is a major league Twoofer, and started Prison Planet and Infowars, major league wacko sites.

look.. let’s be clear here..
this blog is full of assumptions, and the most glaring error is that this false story originated from littlegreenfootballs.com (lgf)
They are like the neonazis of the liberals, and in a very real way, the stormfront guys are their direct enemies.
Also, the website Little Green Footballs are very well known for being extremely pro isreal, so Ron’s position on bringing the troops home scares them to death.
they have won several awards: For “promoting Israel, and Zionism” and “presenting Israel’s side of the conflict, ” LGF won the “Best Israel Advocacy Blog” award from the Jerusalem Post in 2005
So, the bias in the article that you sourced is clear. The LGF guys are attacking Ron by pushing this story, because they do not like his position on Israel.
a cut and dry case of bias.
Don’t show your support of white extremists and you Israeli hatred too much, bub.
Can you refute, or just offer personal attacks?
Some Shananigans…
Looks like Ron Paul got robbed. His army o revolutionaries were screwed out of 30,000 votes in the Cuacus. Redstate has the scoop and it is from reliable sources.As of this moment, the zionist neocons in the media are claiming…