Via Still Stacy, this tells me something interesting
83% John McCain
80% Mitt Romney
75% Mike Huckabee
73% Fred Thompson
67% Tom Tancredo
56% Bill Richardson
56% Rudy Giuliani
55% Ron Paul
46% Hillary Clinton
45% Chris Dodd
43% Barack Obama
42% John Edwards
36% Joe Biden
24% Mike Gravel
20% Dennis Kucinich
2008 Presidential Candidate Matching Quiz
Interestingly, Duncan Hunter is missing, and considering how much I care about the illegal immigration issue, McCain should be way down there, or the poll is not based on actual policies, legislation, and votes of McCain’s. Still and all, I would vote for him over any Democrat. Funny that Bill Richardson is higher up then Paultard, eh?
considering how much I care about the illegal immigration issue, McCain should be way down there, or the poll is not based on actual policies, legislation, and votes of McCain’s.
It’s also possible you are mistaken about his position on illegal immigration. That’s not surprising given all the misinformation coming from his opponents.
What’s even funnier is Richardson is ahead of Rudy.
i think your a dumbass
Some people just keep giving reasons to vote Republican. Geezuz.