Obviously, one has to take any report that includes the UN with a large grain of salt, but, as the saying goes, a broken clock is right twice a day. Add in the IMF, and this could be some good news for Iraq
Iraq faces a period of economic growth and political progress, according to assessments by the International Monetary Fund and the UN.
The IMF sees 7% growth in 2008 and a similar rise next year, and says oil revenues from buoyant exports should be up by 200,000 barrels a day.
The UN envoy to Iraq welcomed dialogue between the Sunni and Shia communities and praised the government’s work.
But analysts warn much depends on rapid progress in the next six to 12 months.
Reporting from Baghdad, the BBC’s Jonny Dymond says the IMF and UN statements amount to a coincidental chorus of approval that tops off what have been, by Iraq’s dismal standards, a good few weeks.
The change in the political mood is largely down to the passing of a law on Saturday, enabling some members of the Baath Party of Saddam Hussain to re-enter the military and bureaucracy, our correspondent says.
They were barred from public service by one of the first acts of the US-run Coalition Provisional Administration.
The law reversing that expulsion, combined with the sharp fall in violence in much of Iraq, has led to greater optimism.
Now, if the UN and IMF can see it, why can’t Democrats? If the violence can continue on the downward trend and the government can get a few more things done, particularly an oil sharing plan, they will well be on the road to us being able to leave with our objectives completed. Also, they will have done quite a bit more then the US Democrat led Congress.
We are hopefully in the final stage of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Their police and military are operating on their own in many cases. Violence is down. Infrastructure is up. Troops are already rotating out, with more to follow.
On a side note, you would think Democrats would want the troops to stay deployed, which would make it easier for Dems to discard the overseas ballots in November.
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