The McCain-Kennedy amnesty touchback provision would be great!
Douglas Border Patrol agents apprehended an illegal immigrant that had a prior arrest history of sexual misconduct.
Jesus Solano-Montes, 19, of Sonora, Mexico, is being held in service custody, pending his prosecution for re-entry of an aggravated felon, Border Patrol authorities said.
Solano-Montes was caught at about 3:30 p.m. Saturday near Douglas.
He has been arrested and convicted for more than two dozen counts of sexual misconduct with a minor in Yavapai County in September of 2007.
He was sentenced to three months in the Yavapai County Jail and then removed to Mexico on Dec. 27.
With his return to the US, he faces further charges.
Illegals are great people, just committing the sexual misconduct Billy Jeff won’t.
BTW, why in the fuck was he sentenced to just 3 months for over 2 dozen counts with a minor?
In other unfuckingbelievable news, an illegal who killed 2 American citizens in the USA was sentenced to a mere 6 years. He simply made a mistake.
Mexico is having a hissy fit over BP agents firing tear gas across the border in response to shitheads throwing rocks and stuff from the Mexican side at the agents. Fine, next time, a little .40 action will suffice as a response. What the hell are is the Mexican government going to do, invade us…….I mean with actual military force.
And for the Open Borders knuckleheads, how ’bout an MS-13 member who has been deported 4 times already? Maybe this time Los Federales will stick his butt in jail for a long time.
Trackposted to Rosemary’s Thoughts, third world county, Allie is Wired, Right Truth, The World According to Carl, The Pink Flamingo, Celebrity Smack, Big Dog’s Weblog, Dumb Ox Daily News, Adeline and Hazel, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Sorry this is OT from this, but have you heard yet about McCain’s people calling their supporters in W.Virginia asking them to vote for Huckabee to take the votes/delegates AWAY from Romney ?
And it worked.
The #$%&@# s.
I just saw this on CNN.
This needs to be circulated Everwhere.
I am SOO totally Disgusted.
This is Clinton type behavior !
I hope Huckabee is feeling a Very Hollow victory over this. He should be ashamed for staying in the race to deflect votes away from Romney.
I never liked Huckabee anyway…..and my opinion of McCain is now Truly in the DIRT.
I assume you have expletive filters here… I won’t even TRY to type what’s REALLY in my head over this.
TX FredHead for Romney.
Pro-America protest at Berkeley City Council 2.12.08…
Move America Forward is assembling a massive group of people who love our country, our troops, our freedom, and our constitution. If Berkeley City Council believes they can abuse our Marines without a response from those of us who support them ……
10-4 Texas Fred and we voted for Mitt yesterday too…. he won’t give up – like our New York Football Giants didn’t give up on the road!
God Bless TEXAS and I was a Roger ‘The Dodger’ Staubach and Lance Alworth fan while growing up! Anybody but Filthadelphia sir! I miss San Antonio – big time!!!
Oh my, you must really be pisses. You never use language like that in your posts.
You’re right….I was not at all amused…and I’m still not.
I know it’s kinda lengthy, but this is a good article I saw today.
Glad to hear, also, that Romney has stated that he’s NOT leaving the race.
I’m still voting for Romney in the TX primary.
I heard about that, Suzan. I agree, was despicable of both McCain and the Huckster. You go ahead and curse all you want. Bad Behavior might catch it, but, usually doesn’t at MY Vast Right Wing Conspiracy :)
I was a wee bit pissed off about it, yup. I curse a bit too much in real life (especially when driving,) but, I always tried to make a practice of not doing it much when writing serious stuff. I feel it detracts from the overall content, but, damn, sometimes this stuff really makes me mad.
Supporters of Immigration Fraud
An immigration advocacy group called “Civil Society Helps” and attorney Martha J Sullivan help
perpetuate fraud against U.S. citizens. See for more information about
the immigration fraud these kind of groups help facilitate.
With false accusations from an immigrant residency seeker, a stable American citizen can be reduced to
living in poverty. All of your assets can be seized and given to the residency seeker even if you are
not found guilty. You will immediately be forced to surrender a portion of your income to the residency
seeker. The courts may order you to turn your motor vehicle over to the residency seeker even if the
car is in your name and the residency seeker does not have a drivers license. Your immigrant spouse
becomes legal and you become illegal. The court system will abuse you and strip you of your rights
while social programs that promote immigration fraud thrive.
Attorney Martha J. Sullivan – VAWA and Immigration Advocate
(651) 438-9992
1317 Vermillion St
Hastings, MN 55033
Civil Society Helps – Immigration Advocacy Group
1st National Bank Building
332 Minnesota St,
Suite E-1436
Saint Paul, MN 55101
Phone: (651) 291-0713
Fax: (651) 291-2588
Stop Immigration Fraud!
Supporters of Immigration Fraud
An immigration advocacy group called “Civil Society Helps” and attorney Martha J Sullivan help perpetuate fraud against U.S. citizens. See for more information about the immigration fraud these kind of groups help facilitate.
With false accusations from an immigrant residency seeker, a stable American citizen can be reduced to living in poverty. All of your assets can be seized and given to the residency seeker even if you are not found guilty. You will immediately be forced to surrender a portion of your income to the residency seeker. The courts may order you to turn your motor vehicle over to the residency seeker even if the car is in your name and the residency seeker does not have a drivers license. Your immigrant spouse becomes legal and you become illegal. The court system will abuse you and strip you of your rights while social programs that promote immigration fraud thrive.
Attorney Martha J. Sullivan – VAWA and Immigration Advocate
(651) 438-9992
1317 Vermillion St
Hastings, MN 55033
Civil Society Helps – Immigration Advocacy Group
1st National Bank Building
332 Minnesota St,
Suite E-1436
Saint Paul, MN 55101
Phone: (651) 291-0713
Fax: (651) 291-2588
Stop Immigration Fraud!