Drinking bottled water should be made as unfashionable as smoking, according to a government adviser.
“We have to make people think that it’s unfashionable just as we have with smoking. We need a similar campaign to convince people that this is wrong,” said Tim Lang, the Government’s naural resources commissioner.
Phil Woolas, the environment minister, added that the amount of money spent on mineral water “borders on being morally unacceptable”.
We all know that bottle water causes global warming, and is some sort of huge Big Water lobby.
A BBC Panorama documentary, “Bottled Water: Who Needs It?”, to be broadcast tomorrow says that in terms of production, a litre bottle of Evian or Volvic generates up to 600 times more CO2 than a litre of tap water.
That’s it. All you climahysterics, you need to stop using your indoor plumbing and dig a well. It is the only responsible thing to do. Smirk.

Meh. Already on a well and a couple of leech fields. Apparently I do too much laundry. And we don’t drink our water. It’s nasty.
It’s a shame that such assholes are holding the power in a democracy. They should be re-learning in school.
But, see, it doesn’t matter that the water tastes bad, and could be easily polluted with diseases that were pretty much wiped out by the use of indoor plumbing. We MUST save Gaia from Mankind!
The problem, seleucus, is that the assholes are the ones that run the schools ;)
We do have well water and it tastes good…meaning it has no taste at all and no after taste.
Well’s been going since 1975.
If Martha Stewart were to jump on this “banning bottled water” bandwagon, you know she’d have people digging their own wells, too.
I’ve never been a big buyer of bottled water anyway….
I’m just amazed and appalled at the following algore’s weather religion still has.
Did no one notice that the founder of the Weather Channel called “global warming” the Biggest Scam In History !
I didn’t think having to cut back on Evian would be much of an issue for you Teach. It certainly wouldn’t be for me. But I guess a case could be made by the Republicans that municipal water is sort of socialist water. Water consumption is best left to private business……
Did you notice that the founder of weather.com is neither a meteorologist or a climatologist ?
Did you notice that the National Geographic did a special last week on the effects of global climate change? Or that both the CIA and the USA military have done studies on the National Security aspects of global climate change ?
Did you notice that the current temperature in New York City is 65F today, more than 30 F above the monthly average of 33F
I for one like the climate the way that it is right now. If it gets too hot I don’t want a lot of people heading north when their tap water runs out
I don’t buy it much either, Suzan. Just something a bit silly about spending $1.xx on water which is worth about 10 cents.
John, John Coleman is, in fact, a meteorologist, and has been predicting the weather since 1957. What is Al Gore’s degree in? How long has he been predicting the weather?
And, again, I never said that we are not experiencing warming, just that Man is not the primary cause. If it gets to hot, what are you going to do? Nothing. You have no control over the Sun, Moon, or Earth. If you believe Man is at fault, what are you doing to offset your CO2 and change your lifestyle?
And here in the Denver area our highs have been below average the entire winter. I have frozen my ass off this winter. That and our mountains have been hammered by snow this year. Rather than the typical ski reports of “a 36 inch based with powder/packed powder conditions”, it’s now 6 and 7 foot bases. And the heavy snowfall months haven’t hit yet. The spring run-off will cause big problems and there is quite a bit of concern in mountain communities. One of them hit the hardest stated the other day that they didn’t expect to see the ground until July because there’s just that much snow that needs to melt.
If the weather pattern of the 30’s come back even for a short time it would be great. 99% of the democrats would comitt suicide thinking the world was coming to an end. Moon, sun, whatever, the weather changes or we wouldn’t need weather forcasters.