I wonder if Obama can help him out? The ROP strikes again
Two years ago Kurt Westergaard was in his Copenhagen home drawing pictures. One of them was of the Muslim prophet, Muhammad. Now Westergaard is homeless.
Draw a picture offensive to Muslim extremists, and you might find yourself without a roof. Ask Kurt Westergaard, one of the twelve Danish cartoonists whose autumn 2005 Muhammad caricatures lead to violent protests throughout the Muslim world. He was booted from his police-protected hotel room on Feb. 15 for being “too much of a security risk.” And now the 73-year-old cartoonist and his wife are without a place to live.
Westergaard was forced to leave his actual residence in November after the Danish security and intelligence agency, PET, informed him of a “concrete” plan to murder him, according to the paper that originally published the cartoons, Jyllands-Posten. Westergaard and his wife have been living under police protection since.
I certainly hope the Danish government is going to come through and protect him and his wife from those peaceful Muslims who have a bounty on his head. You know, the peaceful ones who exploded a bomb in Copenhagen today.
Hot Air has more.
Captain Ed writes that the reward for courage = homelessness.
A Blog For All has wordwide reactions to the cartoon redux.
Jammie Wearing Fool: Any of those limousine liberals at the New York Times willing to put him and his family up?

I certainly hope the ultra right gives him all of the support that he needs and deserves. After being made into the poster boy of muslim intolerance and then to be discarded is really quite sad.