Happy Sunday! It is another fantastic day in America, what else needs to be said?
This classy pinup is by Earl Moran, with a wee bit of help. It is a lot less revealing then most, so, let me say, nice gams!
What’s happening on ye old feedreader?
- Polar bears are turning to cannibalism now ’cause of anthropogenic global warming. I guess they must have moved to Randall Robinson’s version of New Orleans. See Ace of Spades for the laugh
- C.A. Marks is female and fabulous!
- Duncan says it ain’t his fault. Why? Head to And Rightly So! for the answer
- Katcompares Obama to MacBeth. With quotes. Let’s see the rest of you do that! I couldn’t
- Yet another Bush bashing movie. This one went straight to DVD. Stop The ACLU has the 411
- Palestinians really need to invest in a spell-checker. See snapped shot for the humor
- The Confederate State of The Black Union? To know more, head to Six Meat Buffet
- So Soldiers’ Angels video. Check it out at Hooah Wife and Friends
- Flopping Aces explains why the Dems took no action in the House on FISA
- Oh, goody. A Black Panther gets a light sentence for shooting a cop. Oh, and he supports Obama. Jammie Wearing Fool has the lowdown
- Michelle Malkin highlights Saudi me arrested for flirting
- Over at The Jawa Report, they have exclusive video of Islamic Rage Boy doing his lounge act
- Ogre explains how you know when you are old
- Condi rules out being VP? Damn! Outside the Beltway has the story
- And last, but not least, Happy Birthday to The American Princess!
As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page. While we are on pinups, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets†calendar yet?

Hollywood actor George Hamilton stole her away from me in the 60’s beach epic ‘Where the boys are’!
Some of the pics for SBSP I don’t like. This one I love. Very classy.
Glad y’all liked it.
Some of the more raunchy ones I do not even use. I have like 300 pinups sitting in a folder on my laptop.
… Just keep the black & red thigh high pinups coming Teach. They keep my… ears warm at night! Lingerie is like unwrapping a Christmas gift….?
Heh, you should see what I have in my picture collection. Unlike most women, I’m a visual creature.