Monday! The start of a new work week. Time to get busy, to….ah, hell with it. How ’bout a beer?
The Politico is a a wee bit wonderous about a CNN poll asking if Obama is patriotic enough. Well, we know the Left things he is, since he refuses to wear a flag pin, hold his hand over his heart during the national anthem, trashes the USA constantly, and has a wife who has never been proud of America till Obamessiah became a front runner for the presidency. That is what patriotism is to the Left. They constantly spout interesting slogans, like the old “patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.” Of course, what Samuel Johnson meant was false patriots. No one can accuse Conservatives of not loving America, meaning, yup, they are patriots.
I think The Politico missed the article where CNN tries to let Obama tell everyone, yes, I am patriotic! According to the Messiah, 3/4 of football fans do not hold their hand over their heart. Of course, they aren’t running for president. And I think he means soccer fans. I’ve been to football games, and I’d say it is close to 1/4 to 1/8 that don’t. He really seems to have no idea what patriotism actually is.
More: William Kristol will have the Left seething and red faced, like Teddy K. after a good bender (ie, every day after 7pm) with his questioning of Obama’s patriotism.
In the Asia Times, Obamessiah’s women reveal his secret: his late mother, the went-native anthropologist Ann Dunham, and his rancorous wife Michelle. Obama’s women reveal his secret: he hates America.
See lots more at Memeorandum.
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Teach do you also sing along ? Should the singer also have their hand over their heart ?
You seem to attack Obama for the silliest of reasons. Is extreme partisanship patriotic ? I do not think so.
As for his name being funny I do not think that will be much of an issue in the election no matter how hard you push it.
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