Seriously, is there anything that government is really good at? I mean in a positive way, of course. Spending money like drunken sailors does not count
RALEIGH – Design and staffing problems will again delay the opening of a $120 million state psychiatric hospital, at least until July 1.
Dempsey Benton, secretary of the state Department of Health and Human Services, said Thursday in a written statement that repairs resulting from design flaws were being made to Central Regional Hospital in Butner and that the state intends to meet all standards for psychiatric hospitals. The building had been designed with 30 categories of hazard that could allow patients to hang themselves.
Build them like they should build all prisons. An eye bolt in the center of the ceiling with a short length of rope already attached. Cut prisoner housing expenses by 50%.
Heh heh heh
How does Nifong feel about this?