Sadly, I am really not surprised. Disgusted, yes. Shocked, no
(Chicago Tribune) Six people were arrested at Holy Name parish’s auditorium Sunday after disrupting an Easter mass to protest the Iraq war.
The group—whose female and male members identified themselves as Catholic Schoolgirls Against the War—stood up at the beginning of Cardinal Francis George‘s homily and shouted their opposition to the conflict, which marked its fifth anniversary last week. As security guards and ushers tried to remove them from the service, the demonstrators squirted fake blood on themselves and parishioners dressed in their Easter finery.
The red substance, which one protester later described as “stage blood,” initially drew gasps and a few terrified yelps from the 600 worshipers at the mass. The shock, however, quickly transformed into anger as people booed the six while they were escorted from the parish auditorium. (photo by Stacey Wescott / March 23, 2008, highlights the craziness of these people)
It just goes to prove that the anti-Operation Iraqi Freedom wackobs on the Left have no decency or honor. They have no sense of what is right and what is wrong. Not that we did not already know that.
And what is with guys being part of the group Catholic Schoolgirls Against The War? I guess like with Code Pink, the group has emasculated men involved. Figures. That seems to be the way most liberal men are going.
I hope the 6 wackos are forced to pay for the clothing they destroyed. They have been charged with felonies and misdemeanors.
 “Even the pope calls for peace,” the demonstrators chanted as they left. “Even the pope calls for peace.”
Meanwhile, they performed an act of violence.
Gatewau Pundit has photo’s of the 6 wackjobs, and points to Carl In Jerusalem, who has video of the violent attack.
Blue Crab Boulevard calls them classless in Chicago.
Wake Up America: So, instead of making a point as they had hoped to, they scared children and angered the parishioners and got themselves arrested to boot.
I’m sure the Liberal-o-sphere will soon become apologists and moralists for these 6 wackos, much as they have done for Muslim terrorists.
Trackposted to Rosemary’s Thoughts, third world county, Right Truth, DragonLady’s World, The World According to Carl, Blue Star Chronicles, The Pink Flamingo, Cao’s Blog, InvestorBlogger, Leaning Straight Up, Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker, , Stageleft, and Adeline and Hazel, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

[…] at the mass. The shock, however, quickly transformed into anger as people booed the six … MORE >>Creadit By weight […]
[…] Pirate’s Cove: It just goes to prove that the anti-Operation Iraqi Freedom wackobs on the Left have no decency or honor. They have no sense of what is right and what is wrong. Not that we did not already know that. […]
about 2 out of 3 Americans feel that the war was a mistake. What percent of these 200 million do you feel are “wackjobs” ?
Loser John Ryan–There is a big difference between being a whackjob and being against the war. Protesting at an Easter Mass? Pleez. Traditionally, many Catholics are democrats.
I would be willing to deal with a battery charge and conviction had I been in attendance.
The Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church has been consistently against the war, so this whole protest was simply misguided. Why didn’t the protestors go to one of those war-mongering Evangelical Churches and protest there? Probably because they were too cowardly to face down genuine American Imperialists!
John, what Stacy and R.M. wrote.
Oh good gravy, is NOTHING sacred anymore?
With the Left? Nope. Except abortion on demand. Excuse me. Choice. That, they worship.