Good thing they are serious about protecting the borders
TUCSON, Arizona — The government will replace its highly touted “virtual fence” on the Arizona-Mexico border with new towers, radars, cameras and computer software, scrapping the brand-new $20 million system because it doesn’t work sufficiently, officials said.
The move comes just two months after Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff officially accepted the completed fence from The Boeing Co.
With the decision, Customs and Border Protection officials are acknowledging that the pilot program to detect illegal immigrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border doesn’t work well enough to keep or to continue tweaking.
Hmm. This is the same federal government that Hillary and Snob-amessiah want to place in charge of health care? Please. I’d yammer on about the inefficiencies and idiocy of the federal procurement and development methods, but, I reckon you already understand them.
If they were serious about stopping illegal immigration, or at least slowing to a trickle, they would
- make the fines so high that companies would dare not hire illegals, so there would be little reason for companies to hire them
- put in a realistic visa program, which would include tracking, 1 year stays, and, if it is for work, they must have a job before coming, and said company pays for healthcare. Those coming for school must have insurance prior to being allowed in
This way, the Border Patrol can watch for the really bad ones coming across the border. The need for an ugly fence will be reduced to only a few high traffic areas.

CA – AZ – NM – TX
Too Bad banditos, gringos and DNC illegal voters! … Walk softly, si???
How F’N hard is this to take in Teach?