The Mexican national who was the star witness in a controversial prosecution that resulted in the sentencing of two Border Patrol agents to more than a decade in prison pleaded guilty to multiple drug charges in federal court Thursday.
On Feb. 17, 2005, Osvaldo Aldrete Davila attempted to smuggle more than 700 pounds of marijuana into the United States along the Texas-Mexico border, in the small town of Fabens, Texas. As he tried to flee arrest on foot, two Border Patrol agents, Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean, shot at him. Ramos’s bullet hit Davila in the buttocks.
Davila was charged with two counts of possession with intent to distribute a controlled substance, one count of conspiracy to import a controlled substance and one count of conspiracy to possess a controlled substance with intent to distribute.
Davila brought those two loads into the United States during a time when the U.S. Justice Department had given him six unconditional border-crossing cards.
But Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.) on Thursday said Davila’s guilty plea “underscores the travesty” of the Ramos and Compean conviction.
“From the president’s refusal to pardon or even commute the agents’ excessive 10-plus year sentence, to his protégé, Johnny Sutton’s decision to take the word of a now-convicted drug smuggler over our brave border defenders, this whole episode has been a black mark on this administration,” Rohrabacher said.
As Cassie writes, when will the 2 Border Agents be release? Especially since they are sitting in solitary, and have been for most of their sentences.

Can we shoot’em now?
Simple Solution for our borderless U.S. southern borders:
landmines 1/2 wide
Note: post ‘DANGER LANDMINES’ in English, Spanish and ARABIC!
W blew this deal – big time. He should have pardoned these two agents that were lousy shots ( 1 of 15 in the ass) in Slick Willie fashion!
Bush needs to have his fucking ass kicked for allowing this to happen. I have signed petition after petition and even written to the White House and these 2 innocents still remain in prison. FUCK YOU George Bush!
If McStain becomes president, then you’ll see some action. Just kidding, we’re fucked.