Perhaps I am reading too much in, but, knowing the liberal biases of the Grey Lady, I can almost here them sneering at the people of Indiana as hicks and inbred rubes
 With all the talk among the Democratic presidential hopefuls about change, they may wish to consider this as they wander Indiana: People here practically revolted a few years ago when their governor, Mitch Daniels, pushed to change to daylight saving time like most of the country.
Change, it seems, may not carry quite the same political magic in this state as it has elsewhere.
“We hold onto a lot of traditional values,†said Brian L. Thomas, 39, as he bought a cup of coffee along the courthouse square here on Wednesday. “Saying you’re ready to change is probably not the best or only thing you would want to say around these parts. Frankly, we want it to be like it used to be.â€
Hicks. Rubes.
Strangely, or maybe the editors were all out getting drunk over Snob-amessiah’s loss in Pa, they include this
“What are we going to change to?†asked Ron O’Bryan, 58, a retired auto worker who said he was still trying to decide which Democrat to vote for in the May 6 primary. “You mean change to some other country’s system? What do you think they mean?â€
That is the question those of us on the Right have been talking about: what change is Obama talking about? He is long on soundbites, short on actual details.
Hey, I’m for change. Change to a time when crime was low, when people said hello to each other, when the federal government took very little of our money that we earned and stayed the hell out of our lives, both personally and economically. A time when liberals weren’t doing everything they could to undermine the United States. A time when most people were polite to each other. A time when families did not have to work themselves to death, and could spend time with each other, just to pay their taxes. Let’s infuse those values of the past with today.
And, since someone is sure to say “we had racism in the past along with segregation,” that hasn’t changed, and, until the Democrat Party stops doing it today, it won’t.
“We are manufacturing workers, farmers, beer drinkers, gun owners, pickup drivers,†said Karen Lasley, 64, who was volunteering on Wednesday morning in Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton’s field office in Kokomo (one of 28 Mrs. Clinton has opened around the state along with Senator Barack Obama’s 22, including one just down the street). “We are full of pride for this country.â€
Hicks. Rubes.
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“WTF… Zebra Obama never saw my movie HOOSIERS matey?” – Gene Hackman 2008