April 14, 2008 – 8:37 am
Monday. The start of a new work week. Time to get busy, send to some kudosfaxblasts, revolutionize outside the box. How ’bout a beer? Â It’s probably not beer that Carter had been drinking when he decided to talk with Hamas. More then likely, he has just sniffed too many boiled peanuts. Which would also […]
April 14, 2008 – 8:20 am
Well, well, well, an interesting find in a story about the slowing of illegals into the USAÂ from Central America For thousands of illegal immigrants from Central America, the long journey to the U.S. starts here, on the groaning back of a freight train they call The Beast. But these days many don’t get too far. […]
April 14, 2008 – 7:41 am
Hold on to your wallets! Governors from across the United States are meeting at Yale University this week to discuss ways of dealing with global climate change. The gathering — on April 17 and 18 — will celebrate the centennial of President Theodore Roosevelt’s 1908 Conference of Governors, which launched the modern conservation movement, planted […]
April 13, 2008 – 5:39 pm
There are times when politics is as amusing as Richard Pryor in Live On The Sunset Strip Pennsylvania’s Democratic voters on April 22 will choose between two candidates in the presidential primary. Both are qualified to become the nation’s chief executive. They have more similarities than differences. But, The Morning Call recommends that Sen. Barack […]
April 13, 2008 – 5:12 pm
 They sure seem to be clinging to their guns without being bitter, eh? I love early on where one of the fine ladies says “when you have a gun, there is no difference between male or female.” But, there sure is a difference between Conservative and Progressive. It’s hard to hold a gun when […]
April 13, 2008 – 12:25 pm
Happy Sunday! Another fine day in the USA. This pinup is by…… not a clue. Can’t find who the artist is. If anyone happens to know, drop me a line. I know this is a bit late today, but, have been spending time uploading and linking some photos, which weren’t even that bad, to their […]
April 13, 2008 – 8:42 am
Yeah, yeah, I usually start Sunday off with a Patriotic Pinup post, but this one is too juicy to hold off on. After 36 holes of golf Saturday, and all the beer afterwards, if I do not write it, my head may explode. On the “8 Stages of Liberal/Progressive Discussion When They Know They Are […]
April 12, 2008 – 8:58 pm
And, yes, global warming does come into play (NY Times) The world has seen the first international conference on manufacturing meat. This is the process, tested so far only at laboratory scale, of growing pork, chicken, or beef through cell culture in vats instead of raising and slaughtering animals. My colleague Mark Bittman wrote a […]
April 12, 2008 – 10:44 am
I posted this somewhere once before, can’t find the really super duper good version of it. But, this will suffice for the stupidity of the climahysteric movement and what it is doing to kids. Well, I guess it would really be liberalism in a nut shell. Pirate’s Cove takes no responsibility for damage to nostil […]
April 12, 2008 – 8:00 am
Oh, the humanity! To think that the President would actually approve of meetings that discussed just how to deal with Islamic terrorists who were part of a group that had recently destroyed the World Trade Center, damaged the Pentagon, and killed 2,996 of our friends and neighbors. (Washington Post) President Bush said Friday that he […]