Monthly Archives: April 2008

More On The Snob-ama Issue

Well, it is no longer a kerfuffle. It could be exactly what Hillary was waiting for, THE Big Mistake. As Captain Ed writes, this is why rookies shouldn’t run for president. Oliver Willis was kind enough to post the entire video of Snob-ama and what he said. Mr. Willis goes on to ask “It’s intriguing […]

Good News! Illegal Alien Deportations Rise

Though, the story I am waiting for – and probably will be waiting for for quite some time – is the one that says “deportation of illegal aliens decreases dramatically due to there being few illegals left” A fence has yet to be built along the U.S. border with Mexico, and Congress has failed to […]

Right Wing News: Most And Least Desirable McCain VP Picks

John Hawkins has his list of most and least desirable VP picks for McCain up at Right Wing News, where he asked a bunch of right wing leaning bloggers what they thought, including moi. Unfortunately, I only sent in most desirable, forgot the least desirable. Sigh.

Pirate Weekend Linkfest Sticky Post 4/11-4/13

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Howie Screams About McCain’s Age And “Old Fashioned Ideas”

Who let him out of his cage? Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean said Thursday that swing voters participating in focus groups commissioned by the D.N.C. bring up John McCain’s age unprompted. “We didn’t bring it up, but they volunteered it,” said Dean who explained that voters have two concerns about McCain’s age. “One was […]

Surrender Monkey Friday: Steve Clemons Hearts Hamas

Surrendie is thrilled, because he was allowed to branch out and look at people who are not part of the government, are not politicians or big time political wonks, but, instead average old bloggers. And, since the sheer terrorist supporting/Israeli hating moronity (I know, not a word) of Steve Clemons appears on the Huffington Post, […]

Six Word Memoir

Beth from MY Vast Right Wing Conspiracy taggethed me with this meme. Avast, I pretty much like memes The Rules:  Write your own six word memoir. Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you want. Link to the person that tagged you in your post and to the original post if […]

Iraqi Air Force Stepping

Well, it made it into the Washington Times, but, not finding it anywhere else The Iraqi air force, struggling back to life after being decimated in the 1991 Persian Gulf War, played a key role in battles against rebel militiamen in Basra last week, boosting morale among Iraqi troops and providing hope for the country’s […]

Thirsty Thursday Torture Linkfest

(ABC News) In dozens of top-secret talks and meetings in the White House, the most senior Bush administration officials discussed and approved specific details of how high-value al Qaeda suspects would be interrogated by the Central Intelligence Agency, sources tell ABC News.The so-called Principals who participated in the meetings also approved the use of “combined” […]

Climahysteria Now Getting Dangerous

When it comes to the whole global warming debate, which is primarily political, not scientific, I have not been real concerned over the draconian measures the climahysterics talk about implementing. When the road meets the pavement, most of the chicken littles refuse to change their own lifestyles, barely buy carbon offsets, and nix those measures […]

Pirate's Cove