Monthly Archives: April 2008

Olympic Torch No Show To Protesters

Let me get this straight: the elders of San Francisco have no problem with the nutty and anti-American protesters, the folks that are constantly marching against America trying to finish the mission in Iraq, letting out their BDS, and against military recruitment centers (yes, I know the recent news has it being Berkley, but, the […]

Plugins That Do Not Work In WP 2.5

So far, I cannot find any plugin for smilies that works, or at least works like it should, for smilies. The one I am using, Custom Smilies, ends up completely at the bottom of the Write Post/Page. Have tried about 5 others, no dice. But, what you can do with Custom Smilies is to right […]

Global Warming Today: Still Killing Us, But Still Wrong

We’re all going to die!!!!! The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) recently disclosed that the presence of the current La Niña condition will not decrease the adverse effects of global warming. In a statement, the WMO said that global warming is still on an increasing trend despite the presence of a La Niña condition. “Global temperatures […]

Teenager Assaulted Over Illegal Immigration Project

Update: I’m putting this at the top, because, as pointed out in the comments, it was a fabricated incident. Click the link, and you will see that the Houston Chronicle has completely done away with the original story, and the girl is now herself facing criminal charges. Seriously, why am I not surprised by this? […]

Congressmen Price On The Patraeus Testimony

So, as I was taking a shower to get ready for work, David Price (R-NC) was on WPTF-680 here in Raleigh. On the subject of the Patraeus hearings yesterday, he said it was a “more sober affair then last time.” I have to wonder if he realizes that Ted Kennedy was in da house?

Obama Staffer Ticketed For “Monkey” Remark

I caught this story over at protein wisdom last night, but, quite frankly, after the dumpster dive at Crooks and Liars (previous post),  I felt too dirty to continue using the laptop. And, it is a doozy! Moving to nip in the bud some potential bad press, White House hopeful Barack Obama’s campaign persuaded a […]

Crooks And Liars On Patraeus

I just had to do a dumpster dive. Why am I not surprised by what I found? I refuse to go farther then Crooks and Liars. Can only take so much of the douchebattery from them. These comments were found in a post about one of the rude protesters Will patreus surrneder to the War […]

McCain On Patraeus And Supporting The Troops

I missed all the hoopla today with General Patraeus testifying, managers meeting all day, so, kinda behind the times on this. Happened last time, too. Best thing I can recommend is to check out Michelle Malkin’s spot. She has a great run down of what went on, plus, lots of links and trackbacks to follow. […]

Iran Flaunts More Nuclear Progress

But, hey, no, it means nothing (AP) Iran has begun installing 6,000 new centrifuges at its uranium enrichment plant in Natanz, state television quoted President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as saying Tuesday. Iran already has about 3,000 centrifuges operating in Natanz, and the new announcement is seen as a show of defiance of international demands to halt […]

Arianna Huffington Already Smearing General Pataeus

No real shocker Have you heard the news? “The Surge” is about to end. The next phase of our 100 Year War is “The Pause.” Surge, Pause… Surge, Pause… We can’t pull out! It’s all starting to sound a bit sexual, isn’t it? But the American people are the ones getting screwed. When Gen. Petraeus […]

Pirate's Cove