Muslim Cleric: Every Muslim Should Be a Terrorist…
One of the common arguments against the critics of Jihad is that it wrongly associates Islam with terrorism. It’s a religion of peace we are told. No matter how many examples of Muslim clerics preaching violent Jihad are offered, and…
Her stance here is a principled one, especially since releasing the returns would disclose a great deal of financial information about not only her finances, but those of her adult and minor children. Cindy McCain says she will never make……
Beth over at MVRWC points readers at the GOPÂ’s new “Can We Ask” website, where interested citizens can post questions that they would like Barack Obama to answer. I dropped by a short time ago and posed this one for……
More questions have been raised about the judgment of Barack Obama and his decision to remain associated with Trinity UCC. After all, how can we trust the judgment of any man who would stay a part of an organization propagating……
Oh my, it’s been a rough week. My computer just froze up on me for quite a while, I’ve had to fix my template (not done yet), and life. This is going to be short. Please help me out by sending your trackback posts so my readers will have something …..
[…] Thoughts, third world county, McCain Blogs, 123beta, The World According to Carl, Shadowscope, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, The Amboy Times, InvestorBlogger, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest […]
Code Pink Bewitches the Marine Corps Recruiting Station…
Since Code Pink and Berkeley’s City Council have already become a laughingstock, why not become even more of one? The witches of Code Pink have taken to wearing pointed witch hats and casting spells at the USMC Recruiting Station in Berkeley. The…
PATIENT EVIL – An R.J. Godlewski / Right Truth Blog Exclusive – Prologue and Chapter 1…
PATIENT EVIL (Prologue and Chapter One) An R.J. Godlewski / Right Truth Blog Exclusive This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblanc…
There are less than eight months until the election, an election that will decide the next President of the United States. The person elected will be the president of all Americans, not just the Democrats or the Republicans. To show our solidarit…
It’s simple alchemy: Take space-age and beyond technology, mix with a man who was building advanced robots when he was sixteen, heat until a plot to take over the world can be scooped out, sprinkle in a healthy dose of……
[…] Leaning Straight Up, InvestorBlogger, The Amboy Times, third world county, Woman Honor Thyself, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, , Dumb Ox Daily News, Stageleft, Right Voices, A Blog For All, 123beta, , […]
[…] Pigeon, Faultline USA, third world county, McCain Blogs, Woman Honor Thyself, Blue Star Chronicles, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, A Newt One, Dumb Ox Daily News, CORSARI D’ITALIA, Right Voices, and The […]
Podcast Show Notes
Obama’s numbers among White voters comparable to Kerry’s .
More witnesses come forward in support of Arianna Huffington’s claim that McCain told her he didn’t vote for Bush. Kind of awkward for a guy trying t…
Podcast Show Notes
Obama’s numbers among White voters comparable to Kerry’s .
More witnesses come forward in support of Arianna Huffington’s claim that McCain told her he didn’t vote for Bush. Kind of awkward for a guy trying t…
Podcast Show Notes
Obama’s numbers among White voters comparable to Kerry’s .
More witnesses come forward in support of Arianna Huffington’s claim that McCain told her he didn’t vote for Bush. Kind of awkward for a guy trying t…
Podcast Show Notes
Obama’s numbers among White voters comparable to Kerry’s .
More witnesses come forward in support of Arianna Huffington’s claim that McCain told her he didn’t vote for Bush. Kind of awkward for a guy trying t…
Calling it a “missed opportunity,” the article questions the wisdom of the March decision by the executive committee of TCU’s board of trustees to ask Brite Divinity School to move the Rev. Jeremiah Wright awards dinner off campus….
There has been a buzz about an Obama/Clinton ticket since the early days of the primaries when media types fawned over both candidates and lamented how they wish that a vote could be cast for each. Will you run on one ticket, a dream ticket?
Early o…
You ever made your daily “blogorounds” and come to realize that your humble, opinionated, “abodahblog” started showing up in unusual places? Not unusual as in, ‘why G-D, is my blog showing up in the transsexual, poker pl…
[…] Blog, Big Dog’s Weblog, Democrat=Socialist, Faultline USA, third world county, McCain Blogs, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Stageleft, and The Yankee Sailor. Also thanks to Linkfest Haven […]
As of this writing, the situation in Lebanon outlined in my last post in this series has considerably worsened. Open fighting has broken out on the streets of Beirut, refugees are starting to mass at the Syrian border, and Western governments are plann…
Ed Brault on If All You See…: “In 1068 William the Conqueror ordered a survey of Britain to determine just how much wealth existed in the country.…” Mar 3, 13:35
Elwood P Dowd on If All You See…: “Secretary of State Marco Rubio has invoked “emergency authorities” to bypass Congress and send $4 billion in weapons to Israel,…” Mar 3, 12:20
Elwood P Dowd on If All You See…: “Strong rebuttal there, porter. LOL. WHINING… MAGAt” Mar 3, 12:13
All posts here are my views. None represent my employer. If ye can prove me wrong, so be it. Ye can rant and rave at me, but be mostly polite to any other commentors. I will put up with quite a bit, but be mostly respectful to others.
NOTICE In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C., section 107, some material on this web site is provided without permission from the copyright owner, only for purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship and research under the "fair use" provisions of federal copyright laws. These materials may not be distributed further, except for "fair use" non-profit educational purposes, without permission of the copyright owner.
Muslim Cleric: Every Muslim Should Be a Terrorist…
One of the common arguments against the critics of Jihad is that it wrongly associates Islam with terrorism. It’s a religion of peace we are told. No matter how many examples of Muslim clerics preaching violent Jihad are offered, and…
I Support Cindy McCain…
Her stance here is a principled one, especially since releasing the returns would disclose a great deal of financial information about not only her finances, but those of her adult and minor children. Cindy McCain says she will never make……
My Question For Obama…
Beth over at MVRWC points readers at the GOPÂ’s new “Can We Ask” website, where interested citizens can post questions that they would like Barack Obama to answer. I dropped by a short time ago and posed this one for……
New Obama Church Shocker…
More questions have been raised about the judgment of Barack Obama and his decision to remain associated with Trinity UCC. After all, how can we trust the judgment of any man who would stay a part of an organization propagating……
Teach, nice childhood Halloween photo of Senaturd Harry Reid! This photo … suits him very well matey!!
Weekend Open Trackback Alliance 5.9–5.11.2008…
Oh my, it’s been a rough week. My computer just froze up on me for quite a while, I’ve had to fix my template (not done yet), and life. This is going to be short. Please help me out by sending your trackback posts so my readers will have something …..
[…] Thoughts, third world county, McCain Blogs, 123beta, The World According to Carl, Shadowscope, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, The Amboy Times, InvestorBlogger, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest […]
Code Pink Bewitches the Marine Corps Recruiting Station…
Since Code Pink and Berkeley’s City Council have already become a laughingstock, why not become even more of one? The witches of Code Pink have taken to wearing pointed witch hats and casting spells at the USMC Recruiting Station in Berkeley. The…
PATIENT EVIL – An R.J. Godlewski / Right Truth Blog Exclusive – Prologue and Chapter 1…
PATIENT EVIL (Prologue and Chapter One) An R.J. Godlewski / Right Truth Blog Exclusive This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblanc…
There are less than eight months until the election, an election that will decide the next President of the United States. The person elected will be the president of all Americans, not just the Democrats or the Republicans. To show our solidarit…
Iron, Jets, and Plasma…
It’s simple alchemy: Take space-age and beyond technology, mix with a man who was building advanced robots when he was sixteen, heat until a plot to take over the world can be scooped out, sprinkle in a healthy dose of……
[…] Leaning Straight Up, InvestorBlogger, The Amboy Times, third world county, Woman Honor Thyself, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, , Dumb Ox Daily News, Stageleft, Right Voices, A Blog For All, 123beta, , […]
[…] Pigeon, Faultline USA, third world county, McCain Blogs, Woman Honor Thyself, Blue Star Chronicles, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, A Newt One, Dumb Ox Daily News, CORSARI D’ITALIA, Right Voices, and The […]
Mother’s DaY..Aww…..
If evolution really works, how come mothers only have two hands?
The Uniting Principle of Democrats…
Podcast Show Notes
Obama’s numbers among White voters comparable to Kerry’s .
More witnesses come forward in support of Arianna Huffington’s claim that McCain told her he didn’t vote for Bush. Kind of awkward for a guy trying t…
The Uniting Principle of Democrats…
Podcast Show Notes
Obama’s numbers among White voters comparable to Kerry’s .
More witnesses come forward in support of Arianna Huffington’s claim that McCain told her he didn’t vote for Bush. Kind of awkward for a guy trying t…
The Uniting Principle of Democrats…
Podcast Show Notes
Obama’s numbers among White voters comparable to Kerry’s .
More witnesses come forward in support of Arianna Huffington’s claim that McCain told her he didn’t vote for Bush. Kind of awkward for a guy trying t…
The Uniting Principle of Democrats…
Podcast Show Notes
Obama’s numbers among White voters comparable to Kerry’s .
More witnesses come forward in support of Arianna Huffington’s claim that McCain told her he didn’t vote for Bush. Kind of awkward for a guy trying t…
How ObamaÂ’s Supporters Will Sabotage Obama…
Calling it a “missed opportunity,” the article questions the wisdom of the March decision by the executive committee of TCU’s board of trustees to ask Brite Divinity School to move the Rev. Jeremiah Wright awards dinner off campus….
Michelle Obama has spoken; No VP Hillary…
There has been a buzz about an Obama/Clinton ticket since the early days of the primaries when media types fawned over both candidates and lamented how they wish that a vote could be cast for each. Will you run on one ticket, a dream ticket?
Early o…
You ever made your daily “blogorounds” and come to realize that your humble, opinionated, “abodahblog” started showing up in unusual places? Not unusual as in, ‘why G-D, is my blog showing up in the transsexual, poker pl…
[…] Blog, Big Dog’s Weblog, Democrat=Socialist, Faultline USA, third world county, McCain Blogs, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Stageleft, and The Yankee Sailor. Also thanks to Linkfest Haven […]
Building a Case for War in Iran – Part 3…
As of this writing, the situation in Lebanon outlined in my last post in this series has considerably worsened. Open fighting has broken out on the streets of Beirut, refugees are starting to mass at the Syrian border, and Western governments are plann…