This would be the very definition of “Unhinged”
 Not One, But Twin Twisters Hit SoCal, But There’s No Global Warming or Climate Change
Just ask Bush and the rest of the flat-Earthers.
Sandy Sand has already lost the debate with silliness like that
Tornadoes in Colorado, but there’s no global warming or climate change.
Twin twisters in Riverside County in Southern California, but there’s no global warming or climate change.
Snow and five inches of hale on the ground in Southern California in the middle of May, but there’s no global warming or climate change.
Wouldn’t snow in may be a sign of global cooling? Oh, wait, I’m sorry, I forgot that global warming can mean it getting cold, too. My Bad!
And twisters? Goodness, that never happened before, umm, what year are the climahysterics saying global warming started nowadays, anyhow?
The rest is simply typical blathering and personal attacks. This is what we get from the anthropogenic global warming disciples. Make sure to read Sandy’s response to a commenter mentioning abnormal snow in Argentina and Arizona.
Yes, twisters are rare in California, but, they do happen, and have happened in number during times of warmth and cool (see here and here). More people and better recording also increases the known amounts.