Monthly Archives: May 2008

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

 Happy Sunday! Another fantastic, if not rainy, day in America! This pinup is by Gil Elvgren, call “Skirting The Issue,” and is for all those Mom’s who just want to get out there and ride. What is happening out in ye olde blogosphere? Allahpundit catches the Grey Lady rewritting Obamessiah history Don Surber is playing […]

WSJ Says Kick Burma Out Of The U.N.

Granted, I do not read the Wall Street Journal a ton. Just too many news sources out there. But, I cannot remember the WSJ, or any other news source, calling for the United Nations to kick out member states like Cuba, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and other massive human rights violaters. But, Burma? Theys gots […]

Swimsuits Still Piss The RoP Off

The people on the German court who made this ruling should probably get body guards and bomb sniffing dogs for their personal protection A Muslim girl in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia cannot skip co-ed swimming lessons because of religious prohibitions against wearing formfitting clothing, a German court ruled on Wednesday. The administrative court […]

McCain’s Mom’s Day Video

Nice, eh? Of course, this did cause massive liberal seething. Not that that is unusual, mind you.

Sob Story: Illegals Get Health Care In The Shadows

I think I am getting the sniffles already from this NY Times sob story The curandera is weary from work. Three, four, five times a day, the immigrant farm workers knock on her apartment door, begging her to cure their ailments. They complain of indigestion, of rashes, of post-traumatic panic attacks. Then there are the […]

Obama On Capital Hill Thursday

Good thing he showed up. Let’s watch the video Isn’t that special? What’s more special, he showed up and did not bother to vote on either of the two roll calls. Matter of fact, he has been deemed as not voting for the majority of Senate votes this year.

Finally, A Mother’s Day Vote

It appears that there was a vote on Wednesday in the House on Res 1113, supporting the goals and ideals of Mother’s Day, submitted by Jeff Forentenberry, a Republican. Democrat tools Dana Millbank and Think Progress are excoriating Republicans for silly voting tricks, and, I do not blame them for that. However, both of them failed […]

DU: The Light Loafers Crew

The woosification of American men continues. First, apparently some men suffer from postpartum depression. Um, yeah, ok. Odds are running 1 to 1 that they are all liberals. Second, how about some weepy eyed DUmmies? Obama just brought me to tears on CNN Posted by Tropics_Dude83 OMG. We are so lucky to have Senator Obama […]

Aside: Zombietime and the Palestinian Checkpoint

Zombie Time has his latest photo essay up, The Palestinian Checkpoint.

Weekend Pirate Linkfest 5/9-5/11

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